That was just about my reaction as well. I met Diana Martin in the SxSWi Bloggers Lounge early Saturday morning, who is a UX (user-experience) specialist at The Planet (a large web host local to Dallas). As we at that particular table were sipping our wake-up juice and making our introductions and card exchanges, she initially introduced herself not as a Planet employee, even though it was pretty clear from the large block lettering on her t-shirt that she was, but as a cyber-anthropologist.
Naturally, that’s a pretty decent cue that you’re about to hear a pretty interesting introduction.
Obviously, the etymology of the word indicates that the use of the study of anthropology is somehow involved in the investigation of online cultures, but how that’s useful for someone who works at a hosting company isn’t immediately clear.
In speaking with her, I learned that it was her intense and academic study of the sociology and habits of users of the various online subcultures (such as World of Warcraft players and members of the various open source movements like the Fedora project) which was applied to making online user experience and common work habits more efficient.
She has a very unique perspective and approach to solving the problems of efficiency and communication in the workplace.
Below is her quick talk with me.