Today Google did something only a few others would dare, and sued Uncle Sam’s Department of Interior in a cloud clash over an alleged uneven dismissal of Google Apps in a Request for Quotation to handle the DOI’s messaging needs. Google’s long time rival Microsoft also steps in the picture, as the DOI specifically noted that the answer for its needs must be part of the Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite; much to the understandable dislike of Google.
“Google is making the argument that this is “unduly restrictive of competition,” and it seems like they’ve got a decent argument there.”
The search and cloud giant strongly objected to the RFQ when it was first released as well as to past and repeating claims by the DOI it excluded G-Apps because of Microsoft’s offering’s superior security and unified/consolidated email featured, but it was strongly dismissed by the GAO . Google has pointed out several key issues with Microsoft’s competing products in comparison with its own, but after that didn’t work out, they simply took it to court.
Microsoft and Google are competing over government storage and service contracts quite fiercely, but it’s no wonder they both are looking to overtake this sector. The two corporations has more than enough incentives to go after Uncle Sam, as these are apparently enough to forget all legal costs and the nobility of winning. By the looks of it now, the search engine’s approach is that if DOI hasn’t fallen to Google’s charms, then it will to the black and while legal flirting of a 37 pages-long bid protest.