It’s no surprise when companies tackle big data nowadays, given the cloud infrastructure, its myriad of services and business applications. But, what makes it more interesting is that you keep hearing things about big data storage, capability, scalability and back-up, but you never grow tired, because every update seems truly important to you and perhaps your organization. Riding along the fame and demand for any platform concerning big data, Splunk and Drizzle separately had their product launches.
Splunk, known for its real-time visibility and operations for businesses, released the Splunk 4.2. Improving the initial version, 4.2 ensures delivery of secure, distributed and real-time data set from several endpoints on a network. This software is quite promising with features like improved security issues alert, enhanced support for global deployments and improved user capability, network performance and system operations. Splunk posted $66 million in revenue for 2010—a bounty pushed big time by the Asian markets.
Sanjay Mehta, Senior Director of Product Marketing at Splunk shares a simple idea on how the new version of Splunk works by pounding on the visualizations that will help businesses identify their needs and understand the data. “By visualizing data like this, it’s very easy for people on the business side to actually understand and see what’s going on.”
In an almost similar report, Oracle’s MySQL database for cloud computing has just launched the updated version of Drizzle. Drizzle7 GA, according to experts, is already a good replacement for MySQL, but with no existing stored procedures, triggers or views. This solution has been optimized for “massively concurrent” milieu and was designed for “modern” POSIX systems where the installation scripts do no longer exist. Known to deliver big data services for the open cloud camp of MySQL is Puppet Labs.
To keep in the competition of big data storage in the cloud, a company must be able to first recognize the strong rivalries between solutions in this particular industry, and determine their own optimal route to the cloud.