EMC’s CMO Jeremy Burton sat down at The Cube in the heart of EMC World 2011 to talk about his company, the cloud, big data and what it all has to do with new media and marketing.”We wanna make the message simple, we wanna make it memorable and we wanna make it stick” he said, after highlighting the large amount of people who attended the event. From there, he moved on to discuss EMC’s transformation, and how the company plans on establishing its position in the cloud and big data segments via a large investment in marketing.
Burton highlighted what we’ve all learned with EMC’s acquisition and boosting of Greenplum – an open-source big data management and analytics software offering. The cloud and big data are on a collusion course, and Burton promised that EMC will be there when it happens.
Further into the interview, Burton discussed how Hadoop is a fundamental part in the way companies analyze unstructured data today. EMC’s contribution to the open-source initiative, announced earlier in EMC World 2011, represented the company’s second dip in this space following the Greenplum deal.
Deeper into the interview at The Cube, Burton outlined just what big of a role big data analytics plays in marketing, including EMC’s. For once, social media marketing is “commission-based “ as Burton put it, meaning it’s all about providing the prospects high quality content first of all. Companies can then analyze the consumers’ reactions and improve their targeting, all thanks to offerings such as Greenplum and Hadoop.
With that covered, the EMC exec moved on to provide an insight on one of the hottest topics in IT industry right now: the role of the data scientist. Before wrapping up the discussion, he noted that the cloud architect and data engineer will soon be address by the academic circle, and see an enormous demand in a time when every company will want at least a few data scientists among its staff.
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