The SAP SAPphire 2011 week has been rich in partnerships focused on developing integrated cloud offerings, and now Fujitsu and Microsoft (yet again) made it to the list. The two companies have introduced the preconfigured Microsoft Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track program, which basically offers customers a pre-integrated, immediately-deployable offering. This is the same approach NetApp has been taking for quite a while now, as Patrick Rogers, VP of Alliances at the virtualization company highlighted at The Cube.
“Based on the recently agreed-upon reference architecture between Fujitsu and Microsoft for the Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track program, Fujitsu is providing enterprises with ready-to-run, automated and pre-tested private cloud environments.”
This private cloud solution integrates all the hardware and software involved upfront. That includes Fujitsu PRIMERGY servers, Fujitsu ETERNUS storage, Fujitsu networking technology, Fujitsu ServerView Resource Orchestrator software and Microsoft System Center software.
The private cloud is driving a lot of demand, thanks to the fact it provides an effective means of sharing and collaborating resources within the enterprise. Fujitsu and Microsoft also put an emphasis on scalbilty, by enabling customers who may be reaching capacity limitations to gain “secure extended access to the Fujitsu trusted cloud offerings.”
The private cloud is a very attractive option for many companies, and EMC is also looking to monetize this trend. Tony Pagliarulo, Vice President of IT at EMC stopped by theCUBE, and said that the key of gaining market share in the private cloud is virtualization. Virtualizing every layer including applications, middleware, reporting is his company’s goal.
Going back to integrated IT infrastructure solutions such as the one Fujitsu and Microsoft just announced, Cisco also joined that club. The networking giant teamed-up with Microsoft as well to offer customers a couple of new datacenter solutions.
Over at Fujitsu, the Japanese electronics giant also hopped on the HANA bandwagon, and recnelty announced it got all of its major offerings certified to run SAP applications.