Talk about perfect timing.
In a little less than three months my third semester of college will be starting right back up, and with a Mac that was recently on the fritz, I am internally debating a new PC purchase. This is alongside the fact that I eventually need to get a new Xbox 360 to replace my four year old Elite.
As it turns out, starting May 22 and ending on September 3, I can kill two birds with one stone. With the purchase of a $699+ Windows 7 PC, I can also get a 4 GB Xbox 360 on the house of Microsoft.
Awesome? I think so.
Also when you really think about it, this is convenient timing for Microsoft as well, with the latest bout of PS3 issues, and most college students love for gaming, maybe this will motivate the last few who haven’t seen the green light to reach out and grab it.
To get the deal you need to either provide a Student ID with your purchase at retailers such as Best Buy, or have an .edu e-mail address if your completing the purchase online.
Now where are they giving away Windows Phone 7′s?
[Cross-posted at Winextra]