Storage company NetApp announced the first update to the latest version of its OnCommand cloud management offering. The latter was first unveiled a few weeks ago, and includes service analytics, optimization and capacity planning tools as well as a number of other features. These include monitoring of both virtual machines and storage pools, orchestration, automated provisioning and with the latest update, expanded support.
“IT leaders are seeking alternatives that help them keep pace with the demands of their business today while allowing them to adapt and evolve as their business grows,” said Val Bercovici, cloud czar at NetApp. “Winners in this market are thinking, choosing, and behaving differently. Enterprises, government organizations, and partners are turning to NetApp to help them transition to a flexible and efficient shared IT infrastructure—the foundation for cloud computing—that will help them be ready for the future and enable IT to accelerate business growth.”
Using its Alliance Technology Partner Program, NetApp has integrated OnCommand with nearly 20 cloud management partners. Some of the names in this list include Microsoft, IBM, BMC, Fujitsu and others.
NetApp previously released a case study of how travel insurance provider Seven Corners leverages the latest version of OnCommand. Reportedly, the company expects savings of $200,000 in development costs and cut three months of the delivery time of a new deployment set to go live this summer. Further, Mike Ellis, Seven Corner’s technical services manager, said the benefits OnCommand offers will help the company shrink some development cycles from six months to six days.
Still fresh off the OnCommand launch, NetApp may be gearing up for another. According to some rumors, NetApp may be launching the latest version (8.1) of its ONTAP software soon, which will include Spinnaker clustering and allied technology.
The entire industry has been accelerating lately, not just NetApp. Cloud platform developer Virtustream, for instance, has extended support to include SAP. Customers will be able to run SAP applications in xStream, and a number of select companies are already doing so.