With big data becoming more and more mainstream in the tech industry, you have to then find the best ways to track its use for expenses. HP has made that a bit easier for some of their customers through their dependency mapping software. This particular bit of software isn’t brand new, as this is just an update to an existing software that HP offers which is calledDiscovery and Dependency Mapping Advanced Edition (DDMA). But the updates that HP has just pushed through gives companies the ability to more easily track systems, applications and processes so that they can run systems more efficiently and most importantly, track usage to see where money can be spent more efficiently.
“Dependency mapping helps data center architects uncover the connections between applications, servers and storage systems, so that when they consolidate systems, replace legacy gear or do virtualization projects they don’t accidentally break something in the process,” reports PCWorld.
This is important because you have the ability to track many points of intrest on your entire system and make changes, without having to shut an entire system down. It tracks straight to the most important data and makes it usable.
This tool for mapping processes is important because now with big data being utilized as a tool in tracking the use of systems themselves, the ability to track how much each process or applications is being used is a valuable metric for IT. This updated release from HP gives a level of control to companies and data architects so that the use of these analysis tools can be tracked to specific departments and areas. The type of software is important because more companies execute projects and processes all in the cloud, a growing area of interest for HP and its software and services products.
Many larger companies are now using big data as a part of their business to out perform their peers, in a report published by the McKinsey global institute they said
The use of big data is becoming a key way for leading companies to outperform their peers. “We estimate that a retailer embracing big data has the potential to increase its operating margin by more than 60%. We have seen leading retailers such as Tesco use big data to capture market share from local competitors, and many other examples abound in industries such as financial services and insurance.”
Gaining an advantage due to big data is yet another reason why many large companies are using it. Big data is a evolution for many companies of CRM data used for many things, but it is more encompassing than just the data itself, being able to apply itself for use across applications, business intelligence and other growing needs of today’s enterprise structure.
HP’s DDMA update is another step forward in how big data can be utilized in business, though there are many evolutions yet to be realized. This is a definite step in a great direction towards utilizing all of the data that is sent and received on a daily basis and making it make companies more efficient, thus, making them more profitable.