On Sunday evening, elite members of the Silicon Valley community made a beeline to Stanford University’s Memorial Church for an intimate service in memory of Silicon Valley legend, Steve Jobs.
Just like any Apple event, this too was shrouded in secrecy as a nosy passersby who inquired about the event didn’t get any details, aside from the fact that the venue will be closed for six to eight hours for a private event. Security personnel at the front gate were instructed to usher guests in and were sporting iPads, though one guard was clueless as to what the device contains. I’m guessing it contains the guest list for security purposes. A helicopter was seen hovering around the venue, which an Apple spokesman stated was from the local media.
On Wednesday, Apple will be holding a company memorial for Jobs.
iPhone 4S Update
Last Friday, when the iPhone 4S went on sale in different countries, it was estimated that sales over the weekend could reach up to $4 million. And it looks like Apple could even surpass the estimated number, as there are more new smartphone users who chose to buy the iPhone 4S. Also, a lot of consumers using other brands switched to the iPhone 4S thanks to its expanded availability and special connection to Steve Jobs. Everyone wants to get their hands on the last Jobs product.
“It’s the iPhone for Steve, it’s for the memory of Steve,” Jackie Guo, Apple fan in Australia said. “It was the last product he worked on. He pushed this company to become a viable company. His ideas are better than others.”
Those who don’t want to trade their older iPhone for a 4s but want Siri on their device could actually get what they want, according to an article in Jailbreak Story. One Steve Troughton Smith, a famous hacker, he was able to import Siri to his iPhone 4 and he believes that it could also be done on iPhone 3Gs and iPad. According to Smith, Siri would only work on iPhone 4 if the unit is jailbroken with redsn0w or sn0wbreeze. Click here for videos of iPhone 4 with Siri.
iOS 5 and iCloud Update
When the iOS 5 and iCloud were officially launched last week, most consumers who upgraded their devices encountered some problems, as Apple servers were overloaded. It’s an issue Apple faced during its last major platform update as well, leading some to question Apple and its partners’ ability to handle post-launch surges. After the initial shock of massive downloads, upgrades creating of new accounts, servers were able to adjust to the increase in demand.
Users experienced a “3200 error,” which only meant that there was simply too much network traffic to process requests and that users should try again later. While some unfortunate souls had their devices wiped or frozen, some of the problems were fixed when the device was restored from the back-up files on their computer.
Those who haven’t upgraded to the new OS are worried that they might encounter the same issues, so they’re waiting for the “all clear” signal before taking any immediate actions.
AppleBlog’s Darrell Etherington offered tips on how to go about iOS 5 installation:
“The installation removes the apps from your device, but you can get them back by going to the App Store on your device, head to ‘Updates’ and then ‘Purchased.’ You’ll be able to download all your purchased apps from there.” Etherington also recommends organizing them in iTunes before syncing with another device.
As for the iCloud, if you have an @me.com e-mail address, it syncs perfectly. But if you are a Google and Apple user, you’ll have to exert some extra effort just to collate all your data into the iCloud, as Apple doesn’t let you use Google sync for Contacts. The best way to work around this is to disable Google sync, sync with iCloud, turn off Apple sync and reactivate the updates with Google. This could be a daunting task, as you’d have to repeat those actions several times just to make sure everything is up to date.
Unlocked iPhone 4S and iPad 3
If you’re with a carrier other than AT&T, Sprint or Verizon but you want an iPhone 4S, you’d just have to wait a few more weeks for the launch of the unlocked version of the iPhone. The trouble with locked iPhones is that if you’re a businessman or someone who travels in different parts of the globe constantly, you can’t use your iPhone while traveling overseas. But with this new option, travellers won’t have to carry two phones or buy a new phone when visiting other countries.
With the iPhone 4S already out in the market, Susquehanna Financial analyst Jeff Fidacaro told AllThingsD that the iPad 3 is already headed for production with the target launch of the iPad 3 on March 2012, the same month the iPad 2 was released.
“Since our last month supply chain checks we are now seeing 600,000 to one million iPad 3 builds showing up on the plan for the fourth quarter of calendar 2011,” Fidacaro said . “Our previous estimate did not include any iPad 3s.”