The actual announcement of the launch of Google Drive appeared this morning on the company’s French blog. Google quickly deleted it. Now they just officially announced it. That seals it. The Google Drive news is the most anticlimactic tech product launch of all time.
This news first leaked in 2006, And since then, we’ve seen a rising crescendo of news, culminating with news orgy underway over the past few weeks.
Look what happened. Everyone knew that Google would launch something. But no one knew it would take six years to do it.
As Om Malik pointed out recently, The Wall Street Journal first reported the rumors in 2006. In November 2007, they posted a long story that had this tidbit:
Google’s market power and focus on providing easy-to-use services heighten its chances of having an impact. Google is hoping to distinguish itself from existing online storage services partly by simplifying the process for transferring and opening files. Along with a Web-based interface, Google is trying to let users upload and access files directly from their PC desktops and have the file storage behave for consumers more like another hard drive that is handy at all times, say the people familiar with the matter.
Sounds like Dropbox, huh? Ironically, Dropbox did offer what the WSJ suggested. And today it has millions of users.
There is no excitement left. It is no longer a far out idea. Google can’t capture the attention like Dropbox did. It’s not sexy anymore. The only thing it has spawned is a crap load of speculation with brilliant link bait headlines like this one: “Is Google Drive a Dropbox Killer?”
Here’s the official Google video. Do you care? Does Google Drive matter?