Metacloud might not be one you recognize by name, but the company is one you should definitely get to know. The CEO, Sean Lynch stopped by #theCUBE on Day 3 of #OpenStack Summit 2013 to talk with co-hosts John Furrier and Jeff Frick about Metacloud, and its stance on giving clients the best of both the public and private clouds.
Metacloud offers a private cloud as a service, as an alternative to the standard public and private cloud solutions most vendors offer. Here is Metacloud’s stance: The public cloud allows for agility and ease of use, but can be costly at scale. Private clouds offer data locality and security, but can be costly and too complex for most IT organizations to implement. Enter Metacloud. Its SaaS-based model aims to give clients the best of both the public and private cloud. By deploying OpenStack software over your existing hardware, Metacloud delivers a production-ready private cloud for a fraction of the cost of other vendors’ solutions.
If you’re asking yourself why is Metacloud using OpenStack and why is OpenStack so popular, according to Lynch it’s because OpenStack is highly modular. Metacloud is able to customize, commit code and deliver exactly what its clients need. It wants to bring the public cloud experience into the enterprise space. Our own John Furrier coined what Lynch was impressed to be the perfect tagline: Co-locating the public cloud inside of the private cloud. With so many different available components, the complexity of having options is another reason why Lynch thinks OpenStack is successful.
VMware is highly vulnerable right now, and Metacloud is going to continue to go about its business in scaling out open source environments. In 2013 it is going to invest some time and resources into sales and marketing. “Wide and fast,” says Lynch.