Updated with full video – see below.
Welcome to NewsDesk on SiliconANGLE TV for Friday August 2, 2013. Law-enforcement officials in the U.S. are turning to the use of tools commonly deployed by computer hackers in order to gather intelligence on suspects. Joining us now to share more on these information gathering techniques is SiliconANGLE Contributing Editor John Casaretto.
The FBI develops some hacking tools internally and purchases others from the private sector. With such technology, the bureau can remotely activate the microphones in phones running Google’s Android software to record conversations, one former U.S. official said. It can do the same to microphones in laptops without the user knowing, the person said. Google declined to comment.
See live feed below or visit youtube.com/siliconangle to watch on-demand.
On today’s episode of NewsDesk with Kristin Feledy, we’ll be speaking with our very own security expert John Casaretto, and we’ll get his input on the topic of intelligence gathering, as well as the legality of computer exploits.
We’ll also be sure to ask him what kinds of hacks the government is using, who makes them, and what you can do to protect yourself. We’ll also be sure to ask him about how the FBI’s invasion of security also relates to the NSA’s PRISM or XKeyScore programs, and how policies like these are rarely discussed before being pushed through.
There’s this story and many more, including more about the Moto X on this morning’s NewsDesk with Kristin Feledy.
See the live broadcast, embedded below. If you missed today’s topic, check our YouTube channel for archived clips.