Alessandro Perrino and Matteo Frareo Barutti of Fastweb join Dave Vellante in theCUBE. In his ongoing coverage of this year’s Las Vegas Conference, Vellante inquires about Fastweb’s operations.
Fastweb is a Fiber Optic Service Operator based in Milan, Italy to residential and enterprise customers. It’s core offerings are Internet Solutions, Telecommunications and Cloud. Fastweb is an operator with data centers and has invested in ICT infrastructures which are guaranteed end-to-end to customers.
Barutti explains that their major customers want to outsource their infrastructure, but maintain control over their applications. Their main concern is the reliability and security of the infrastructure. The field is growing so quickly that it is difficult to keep pace with technological innovation.
Vellante asks if customers desire to see Fastwb’s data center as customers typically want to know which technology is used to protect them and their infrastructure. Barutti shares that the company will be building two new data centers in Tier 4. He adds, “In fact, we bring our customers to our data center to [experience] them. They visit the structure and they love it because its resilient [with] all the instruments and [efficient] cooling system.”
Perrino and Barutti attended IBM Edge to learn where the market is going, to learn more about big data, analytics and the new flash storage solutions. Fastweb is developing a new service that is VDI. Everything in their infrastructure is replicated and synchronous.