The takeaway from Day 1 of MIT’s CDOIQ Symposium seemed to focus on the redefinition of the CDO in the corporate structure, and the expected dissolution of the position of CIO in many organizations. Here, theCUBE co-hosts discuss the symposium in an end-of-day wrap session.
Commenting on this fact, social media strategist Paul Gillin stated, “I think that is a remarkable comment about the CIO going away. We took it for granted that organizations need a top tech person in charge.”
The advent of tech delivered in a service model has hastened this latest development. The CDO seems ready to help companies leverage their competitiveness by helping to translate their assets into data form.
Wikibon’s lead Big Data analyst Jeff Kelly noted how General Electric seemed to have recognized and adopted that strategy early on. “[GE’s] value will be less about equipment and more about data coming from that equipment,” he stated. He explained how the CIO’s role was in bringing stakeholder’s into the process early on by engaging them with a generic direction the organization should head. “I don’t know if the CIO is going away, but the CDO is becoming much more strategic going forward.”
While many companies are looking at the new world of data, one thing appears clear: The best use of data will not be realized by throwing money at it and hoping for a solution to appear. Much like the storied Oakland A’s and their use of data to defy the odds, dramatized in the film ‘Moneyball’, the true innovations will arise from organizations that are starved and that have to rely on the data to show them the way forward.
“I think what may be happening in MLB and other industries,” Kelly noted, “is that one team applies it and it works and others want to follow suit. It’s not a tech problem. You can’t buy tech, throw money at it and solve the problem.” He instead feels the true strength of an organization’s data is found in its people and its processes. If a company is unwilling or unable to change their culture around this new paradigm they will be unable to yield the best results from their data.
This year’s MIT CDOIQ Symposium will enjoy continued live coverage on SiliconANGLE’s theCUBE at silconangle.tv.