The hacker group DerpTrolling, who claimed responsibility for the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack against Blizzard Entertainment during the launch of Warlords of Draenor last week, has leaked login information for 5,604 accounts from the PlayStation Network, Windows Live, and 2K Game Studios.
“Let this be a warning to all,” the document that contained the leaks said. “Nothing is safe from Derp.”
DerpTrolling is best known for their frequent use of DDoS attacks against major video game developers. The attacks cause game servers to become bogged down with a high volume of bogus access requests, which prevents legitimate players from accessing their games.
DDoS attacks have become a common tool for hacker groups to disrupt businesses and use relatively simple methods. Recent targets of DerpTrolling’s DDoS attacks have included Blizzard Entertainment, Riot Games, and Ubisoft Entertainment.
The document with the leaked information includes thousands of usernames and passwords, and the group claimed to have more that it did not leak.
CNET interviewed an alleged member of DerpTrolling, who claimed that the group was more powerful than people gave them credit for.
“There are a lot of people and fellow hackers who believe that DerpTrolling is just a bunch of kids,” the member said. “DerpTrolling really has many forms, most people only see the Gaming side of us! We can be very serious hackers.”
The DerpTrolling member claimed that the group had far more sensitive information that it had not leaked yet, saying that the small amount leaked so far served as a warning to the companies.
According the the member, the hacker group has gained information on hundreds of thousands of user accounts and even credit card information from game services like the PlayStation Network and 2K games, as well as from other sources like Twitter, Facebook, and Comcast.
Today’s leaks come after the group had previously stated that it was not interested in releasing personal information.
In an earlier interview, the DerpTrolling member told CNET: “DerpTrolling in no way wants to harm our children by leaking such damaging data.”
There have been no statements yet from any of the involved companies.