End-to-end Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) service provider Aeris Communcations, Inc. has today launched AerVoyance, a new M2M and IoT analytics service.
The new service is said to provide customers with significant advantages in managing their connected device programs, catering for the need to make sense of the enormous amount of data continuously generated from an IoT deployment
Aeris gives as an example their own data: more than 8.7 billion events take place daily on the Aeris network alone, which they say makes it impractical to evaluate without IoT analytics.
AerVoyance, like any good analytics tool, will provide users with the insight to better manage devices, troubleshoot problems, and identify potential issues early within an IoT deployment to help reduce overall costs. Data tracked by the service includes usage, application, and billing information through a graphic interface, along with anomaly detection and predictive analytics.
“As the number of machine-to-machine connected devices grows, and we see the emergence of the Internet of Things, more companies will become increasingly reliant on reliable connectivity” Founder and Chief Executive Officer founder of Machina Research Matt Hatton told SiliconANGLE. “Meeting this demand depends, in part, on increasing the visibility of device behavior and being better able to identify, react to and predict problems. Enabling the device analytics necessary to achieve this is very important, and companies such as Aeris, which offers a full-stack solution, are well positioned to meet this growing need.”
Head of Applications Analytics and Aeris Gurinder Dhillon added that with AerVoyance, Aeris customers will have access to a deep and robust analytics offering that will deliver extra value: “The return on investment should grow as our customers expand their deployments. In the future, AerVoyance also will deliver unparalleled application level and vertical industry-specific analytics.”
Based in Santa Clara, CA, and founded way, way back in 1992, Aeris has become a leader in the M2M space, and for what we can see, hasn’t needed bucket loads of venture capital along the way, or at least in the last 10 years, as we could only find record of a $1 million in debt financing in 2009.
The basic version of AerVoyance will be available Aeris customers at no extra cost. Advanced functionality, including predictive capabilities, will be priced on a per-device per-month basis.
The new service will be generally available early in the third quarter.