In its latest effort to compete with the likes of Flipboard and Feedly, Facebook has launched Notify to make it easier to keep track of what your favorite celebrity is up to, end-of-game summaries, news headlines and more.
Notify launched with a number of sources to deliver your most desired content, and Facebook claims that more sources will be added in the future. Notify’s sources include A&E, ABC, Access Hollywood, Bandsintown, Billboard, Bleacher Report, Bloomberg Business, Bon Appétit, Breaking News, BuzzFeed, CBS Sports, Condé Nast Traveler, CNN, Comedy Central, Cooking Light, Cosmopolitan, Curbed, Discovery, E!, Eater, ELLE Decor, ELLE Magazine, Entertainment Tonight, Entertainment Weekly, Epicurious, Esquire, ESSENCE, Fandango MOVIECLIPS, Food & Wine, Fortune, Fox News, Fox Sports, Getty Images, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, GQ Magazine, Groupon, Harper’s BAZAAR, Headspace, Health, History, Hollywood Reporter, Huffington Post, Hulu, InStyle, Marie Claire, Mashable, MarketWatch, The New York Times, People, People en Español, Polygon, Popular Mechanics, Quartz, Racked, Seventeen, Southern Living, Sporting News, Sports Illustrated, Techmeme, Teen Vogue, Thrillist, TIME, UrbanDaddy, Vanity Fair, The Verge, Vevo, VICE, Vogue, Washington Post, The Weather Channel and Wired.
iOS users in the U.S. can now download Notify, but no news yet when or if the app will be available to other mobile platforms.
To get started, select which categories for which you would like to get notifications. Categories include Fun, Celeb & Gossip, Fashion & Beauty, Entertainment, Culture, to name a few, and from there, you customize it further by selecting Stations, and then Sources. The sources will then publish notifications through the stations when there are relevant updates. Notify also taps into your Facebook profile to make station suggestions so you can easily discover and add new stations any time.
Just like regular app notifications, Notify’s notifications are delivered right to your lock screen, so a quick glance keeps you connected with your favorite interests throughout the day. Just tap or swipe to see more information about any notification. This step opens the link in the app’s browser where you can read the full article, watch or view, or simply view the site.
You can also share or save Notify notifications. Swipe on a Notify notification and you will be presented with the option to share or to save it to your Save Notification list. You can share it with people who you think might also be interested via text, email, Facebook or other social networks. And if you want to see all the notifications you received from Notify in the past 24 hours, just launch the Notify app to view the in-app feed.