10 years ago Skype brought free video calls to desktop, and 4 years later the same service was available on mobile. It has now been announced that in the coming weeks group video calling will become available to “hundreds of millions of mobile users” on Android, iPhone, iPad and Windows 10 Mobile.
While the group calling function is not officially available yet by going to 10years.skype.com and leaving your email address, Skype name, country and device, you can be one of its first users. Once you’ve left your details you’ll receive a message saying, “You have successfully pre-registered for group video calling on mobile. We’ll be in touch in the coming days once you’re all set up.” Skype has called this a “sneak preview”, but didn’t say whether this will be a speedy update or a beta version.
In a blog post Skype writes, “You are the reason Skype is the video calling app of choice for consumers around the world. You encouraged your friends, family and colleagues to give Skype a try and have changed the way you communicate, generating nearly 2 trillion minutes of free Skype video calls over the last decade, from every corner of the earth.”
Skype however has remained quiet about how people any one group can consist of. Perhaps in order to trump Google and its Hangouts service, which allows 10 people to join the same mobile video call, Skype might want to allow a couple more callers. This is probably unlikely though as Skype group video calling service for desktop allows just 10 participants at any one time.