Chalk another one up for Google. The company has landed Apple as a customer for the Google Cloud Platform, according to CRN and other resources.
Apple is reportedly paying between $400 million and $600 million on the platform. The company has also cut back on its dependence of Amazon Web Services (AWS), which it uses to run parts of iCloud and other services, sources said. The company hasn’t abandoned AWS completely, though.
According to Amir Efrati from The Information, it will take a year for iCloud to be fully running on Google Cloud Platform and it is unlikely to be very profitable for Google, as AWS lost money from iCloud.
Google has been making moves to catch up with Amazon. Late last year, it hired VMware Inc. co-founder Diane Greene to head up its cloud computing business. It has been adding tools and services, such as its Google Cloud Functions. And last month, Google signed Spotify as a customer.