All companies are software companies, even if they don’t know it yet. Businesses that embrace the digital transformation will prosper, those that don’t will find themselves outpaced and outmaneuvered. The influence on tech is strong, and nowhere is that more evident than the services sector of the tech market.
To gain some insight into that market, Jeff Frick (@JeffFrick) and Dave Vellante (@dvellante), cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, joined Frank Slootman, president and CEO of ServiceNow, Inc., at the ServiceNow Knowledge16 conference in Las Vegas.
“Our deep belief is the way we manage work is going to change under the influence of technology,” Slootman said.. A lot of work, he continued, is going to be defined into workflows, but the wheel doesn’t need to be reinvented — companies will become Clouds, they will all become software companies, and they will manage themselves like that.
To support this, Slootman described how ServiceNow is changing to a multi-product, multi-channel and multi-market company. “We’re focused on scale and discipline and delivering on the promise that has been created,” he said.
“We’ve always taken a service-management model,” Slootman said. It’s basically an engagement model, an engineering model and a cost-analysis model. It’s not so much about managing the quality of the service, but of the underlying product ServiceNow is providing.
When you have a problem, these days a company can tell you about the health of your device and they know what the problem already is. “We’re going way beyond that, Slootman added. When something breaks, the company will already know, they’ll have the parts ready, or they can fix it remotely. That’s where service models are going.
“IT is not just touching everything,” Slootman said, “it is everything.”
Watch the full interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE’s coverage of ServiceNow Knowledge16.