Do you remember a time when we all couldn’t be passable digital content designers? Those days are in the past, and now using a number of apps or websites just about anyone can put together a stylish looking flier, catalog, or a an e-card in a matter of minutes. With its Sprightly design app Microsoft goes as far as to say that you can create professional-quality digital content “without the need to hire designers”.
Microsoft’s creative small-scale project hub, The Garage, came out with its design app, Sprightly, earlier this year when it became available for Android. It’s been getting rave reviews since, mostly because it’s so easy to use, and has a decent choice of colorful templates. It’s now available for iOS, and Microsoft says it has increased its number of templates and added some extra design quirks.
The new app seems to be targeted mostly at businesses who might want to put together some digital content: a poster, menu, price list, event or promotion flier, etc, and quickly add the content to social media or websites. Just like other graphic design and photo editing apps, such as the popular Canva, you can choose from tons of templates, import your own photos, and play around with a number of other design options. You can then easily share the design on social media or send to clients as a PDF.
Unlike some other similar apps Sprightly is looking to attract smaller business owners that closely interact with the customer, offering such things as price list and coupon templates.
In a blog post Microsoft gives an example of how a business woman in India has been making use of the app. The story goes:
“One incident that I can share where Sprightly was very handy was when I was travelling. I got a call from a client saying she wanted the range of the white fans that we have. I had these pictures in the collection made in Sprightly,” Shah says. “I had to park my vehicle on the side of the road just for three minutes and I was done. I just had to put all of them across, make a price list immediately and send it.”
You can get Sprightly now from the App Store and Google Play. The best thing, it’s free. Sprightly is not available for Windows Phone, which seems to have upset a number of people.