Google is rolling out a brand new interface for their AdSense backend for advertisement publishers. The beta appears to totally revamp the underlying paradigm of the back end to shuffle things into different areas, putting an overview screen front and center, with earnings, alerts, messages, etc. We picked up this story from the Google Inside AdSense Blog, and they’ve even been kind enough to grace us with a lovely video.
All ad controls are now in one place, on the Allow and block ads tab. Here, you’ll be able to filter ads from specific advertisers, categories, and ad networks. In addition, you’ll notice that we’ve updated the ad review center to make it easier to review and manage ads that have been placement-targeted to your sites. You can now search for ads in the ad review center by ad type, keyword, URL, or ad network, and choose to allow or block them.
The new interface allows you to quickly see your earnings and payment information, find relevant features, and make changes to your account. It also brings relevant help and other resources, like videos and blog posts, right into the interface, so you can get the information you need without leaving your account.
And not kidding. I’ve just tried out the new interface and, as the video has said, it’s more than just navigation changes. Sadly, they didn’t do much to add crazy charts-and-graphs to it (it’s still the usual everything-you-need-in-text Google paradigm.) Of course, I don’t need crazy charts, I just drool over them.
We see this coming to us after another change to Google’s AdSense when they combined with Feedburner during an experimental phase in October. Advertisements in syndicated feeds could net people even more advertising revenue than before (especially with RSS Feed readers strong) although it makes me wonder if Google Buzz will be doing the same thing. Google does seem to be on the ball when it comes to putting simple advertisements everywhere.
The additional ease of use to the AdSense page at first glance is the best feature, but they did add some excellent simple charting features at one level down. It works a great deal like a simplified version of Analytics. The charts aren’t crazy, but they’re solid and informative—with a lot of fiddly bits for those who want to see how their CPM compares to pay-per-click.
You can visit and sign up for AdSense here and check out the new interface for your own.