With increasing trend of online shopping and e-commerce, we are able to see some new players coming around. The trend of online shopping was set up by giants like Amazon and eBay. Now we have another player in the industry: Svpply.
The pitch of this latest e-commerce portal is that while you need to search for products on those sites, Svpply lets you discover the stuff that is actually “cool”.You can tag the images of the stuff you like with the help of browser-based “bookmarklet.” As of now it is only browser-based, we will be soon seeing the applications for Apple iPhone and Google Android platform.
This e-commerce site has quite good potential to sell and that’s why it has managed to raise $5,50,000 seed-round investment by Spark Capital and Founder Collective.
Recently, Yardsellr also managed to raise a huge funding of $5 million, pushing this trend right along. It’s social prowess is to go through your interactions as buyers and sellers, to better market and distribute deals. Combining a bit of eBay with Facebook, Yardsellr is out to make commerce a socially-driven transaction, leveraging your connections as well as your products of interest.
eCommerce is seeing a big shift into the social realm, with major retailers like Amazon, Walmart and Target finding big ins to massive networks like Facebook, as well.