Alex Williams

Alex Williams is an editor for SiliconAngle and lives a charmed life in Portland, Or.

Latest from Alex Williams

VMware’s Cloud Foundry at OSCON – Platforms are Still New

VMware is not perceived as an open source provider. But the company’s Cloud Foundry is a bit different. It’s platform technology is available across multiple programming languages. It’s available as a service and an open source software. I caught up with Cloud Foundry’s Dave McCrory at OSCON today and asked what he is hearing from ...

Open Cloud Initiative – the Issue is About Freedom

There are increasing calls for online services to provide a set of guidelines that allow for more universal standards that protect individual rights and the freedom to move data where and when people wish. There is also the need for interoperability and easier, standard ways to allow for data portability. I’d also add user rights ...

Nebula – This Open Cloud Idea May Have Legs After all

Nebula was announced at OSCON today, an OpenStack  and OpenCompute initiative to provide open-source hardware and services infrastructure for enterprises to build open cloud infrastructures. Nebula will take OpenStack and the Facebook Open Compute project to create a cloud controller. The goal is to open the hardware and the software to create a platform for ...

The Telling Story of a Once Faithful Google Apostle Saved by Vic Gundotra after Automated System Falsely Flags Account for Possessing Child Pornography

A man who once called himself a Google apostle has had his account restored after Senior Vice President Vic Gundotra personally looked into the matter and discovered the search giant’s automated systems had flagged one of his images as child pornography. Thomas Monopoly lost access to his Google account in mid-July. After numerous attempts to get ...

The OSCON Data Conference, DevOps and the Intersection of Search and Business Intelligence

Attivio has added new connectors to its technology through integration of its active intelligence engine with data sources such as Hadoop, as well as data warehouses from vendors including HP Vertica, EMC Greenplum, IBM Netezza and Oracle. The Attivio enhancement is another example of how big data is changing the way we do business and ...

Big Data Demands Leading to Greater NoSQL Acceptance by Corporate Developers

NoSQL is gaining acceptance by corporate enterprise developers – arguably even more so than the overall developer community. About 56% of enterprise developers report at least some use of NoSQL and 63% plan to use it in the next two years. That’s according to Evans Data Corp. annual developer survey which found that the big ...

The China Equation: Alibaba to Unveil Smartphone and Mobile OS

In the United States and Europe, the talk is all about the iOS and the Android OS. But the news that China’s Alibaba is unveiling a smartphone and operating system shows that the focus for service providers needs to continue to extend if they want to succeed in the global market. According to the Times ...

Here’s a First – Buy 100 Google Apps Accounts and Get a Free Tablet

One of the world’s top Google Apps resellers is trying a new way to sell business accounts. Purchase 100 Google Apps business accounts and Excel Micro will throw in a Motorola Xoom, Android-based tablet. A good deal? For Excel Micro it’s a great deal. And a smart one, too. It banks on the appeal of ...

Quarterly Index: Virtualization Penetration in the U.S. and Europe

Veeam Software is sponsoring an ongoing study to show how deep virtualization is spreading into the enterprise. Called the V-index, the study is being conducted by Vanson Bourne, an independent market research company. It is based on a survey of more than 500 enterprises in the United States, United Kingdom, France and Germany. It is ...

Outsourcing 3.0: 4 Trends the CIO Needs to Watch in the Cloud Computing Age

What should a CIO be paying attention to in this time of services innovation? According to an IDC analyst, there are at least four trends to watch. These include a scaling of services; data center transformation; big data provisioning and a consolidation in vendors. IDC’s Chris Morris outlined these trends at the CIO Summit in Australia ...