Angela Connor

After three years as Managing Editor of User-Generated Content at where Angela aunched the first online community, and grew it to more than 15,000 members, she moved on to a bigger, more challenging opportunity. Today, she is the Vice President, Director of Social Media at Capstrat, identifying opportunities and developing strategies for top-notch clients. Angela is also author of the book “18 Rules of Community Engagement: A Guide for Building Relationships and Connecting with Customers Online.”

Latest from Angela Connor

You Can’t Automate Community Management

This isn’t intended to be a rant against my former employer; they did what they had to do, much of which involved figuring out next steps for the community and how they’d like to see it develop going forward. That, I understand since, after all no one knows the struggles better than me, the person ...

There’s No Excuse for Stale Content

The only excuse for having stale content in your online community is apathy. And that’s not even a real excuse. If you find yourself saying you don’t have time, then ask yourself this question: Why did I create the community in the first place? When you can’t be bothered to post fresh content in your ...

Cyber Security Expert: "Social Media is My Worst Enemy"

Here is a direct quote from a Cyber Security expert I met at an economic development forum recently: "If you’ve ever gone through a federal clearance, social media is your worst enemy." He was serious. And you know what? I didn’t argue. After all, I’ve never been through a federal clearance and after he told ...

Where is Your Ning Community Going to Live?

If you’re one of the hundreds of thousands or even millions of people running an online community on Ning, it’s time to pull out your credit card or look for new digs. The company announced earlier this week that the free model is going away. TechCrunch published the memo issued by Ning CEO Jason Rosenthal ...

From the Community Management Trenches: Survey Results

If you’re hoping to snag a job as a Community Manager in the near future, it would behoove you to gain a real understanding of all that it entails. It is not a job for the weak, weary or faint-of-heart. If your skin isn’t thick enough to handle nasty, hateful trolls who often go for ...

Why Integration with External Sites is Important

Are you working on a new community with big time bells and whistles that caters to a niche that you just know has been waiting for a place to call home? If so, I encourage you to push ahead full steam. But, let me caution you first. Your new community, no matter how great will ...

Chicken or the Egg: Link Made Between Depression and Social Media

Have you ever wondered how some members of your online community (or any community for that matter) can get so overwhelmingly caught up in online drama with people they hardly know?  I know I have. Well, there could be a real, clinical reason behind it, according to a new study, that goes beyond them needing ...

Going Rogue: Managing the Double Agents in Your Community

I have a rogue group of members in my community. They don’t think I know it. But I know it all too well. Their tactics are completely juvenile. They plot against other members, and pat each other on the back when their antics cause others grief. They clearly have a lot of time on their ...

Stop the Press: Someone Opened a Twitter Account [PR 1.0]

The journalist in me makes it impossible to stop reading press releases. I just can’t do it.  Once a news assignment editor, always a news assignment editor apparently, and part of that job has always been to forage for news via press releases, police scanners, newspapers, beat calls, while eavesdropping during lunch or through any ...

You’re Too Fat for This Community

This is exactly what nearly 5,000 members (or should I say “former” members) of the website were told after packing on the pounds during the holidays, according to a story on Founder, Robert Hintze states in the article that they “mourn the loss of any member,” but that his community demands a high ...