George Ou

George Ou was a network engineer who built and designed wired network, wireless network, Internet, storage, security, and server infrastructure for various fortune 100 companies. He is also a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP #109250). He was Technical Director and Editor at Large at and wrote one of their most popular blogs “Real World IT.” In 2008, he became a Senior Analyst at, and he currently writes for High Tech Forum

Latest from George Ou

Netflix won’t destroy the Internet any more than prioritization

When I read headlines like “Will Netflix Destroy the Internet?“, it is as disagreeable to me as the notion that packet prioritization or enhanced network services will destroy the Internet.  Farhad Manjoo cited some Sandvine data which showed that the newly available Netflix in Canada can account for as much as 90% of traffic at ...

Online services security report card

A lot of website security awareness has been raised over the last week since the release of a simple-to-use website user account hijacking tool called FireSheep.  The tool gives attackers temporary full access to your web accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft Hotmail.  Many sites have been offering incorrect advice to just use force the ...

Even Forced SSL is broken for Facebook Google Twitter

There’s been a lot of constructive attention on Firesheep this week, which is a simple tool that lets anyone hijack other people’s web accounts with absolutely no skill required.  A lot of people are offering the suggestion that running their Firefox or Chrome web browser in forced SSL HTTPS mode, but I cautioned people that ...

Firesheep will permanently scare you from hotspots

Do you know what the above screenshot is?  It’s the picture of your Google accounts, Facebook accounts, Twitter accounts, Flickr accounts being hijacked by anyone running a simple point-n-click Firefox plug-in called “Firesheep“.  A complete novice in computer hacking would be able to go into your Facebook page as you and do anything they want ...

Effects of BitTorrent on a Starbucks-AT&T hotspot

I recently discussed the phenomenon of a single application accidentally taking down a T-Mobile cell and how BitTorrent would have an even worse effect.  I wanted to test this with BitTorrent, but doing so on a cell tower isn’t feasible at this moment and it’s not something that any wireless carrier would want me to ...

Clyburn accuses ISPs of arguing in favor of reclassification

[courtesy of George Ou] The amount of blatant misinformation used in the reclassification debate over Internet regulation never ceases to amaze me.  I’ve spent much time debunking the reclassification movement, and I’ve debunked the hysteria over the DC Circuit supposedly “stripping” the FCC of its Title I Ancillary authority.  But now we have FCC Commissioner ...