George Ou

George Ou was a network engineer who built and designed wired network, wireless network, Internet, storage, security, and server infrastructure for various fortune 100 companies. He is also a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP #109250). He was Technical Director and Editor at Large at and wrote one of their most popular blogs “Real World IT.” In 2008, he became a Senior Analyst at, and he currently writes for High Tech Forum

Latest from George Ou

The Evolution of the WinTel PC to be Revealed

The next evolution of the Personal Computer (PC) running Windows and Intel Architecture (WinTel) will likely be shown this week at Microsoft’s “Build” conference for software developers.  If reports are accurate, I will predict a seismic shift in the WinTel world. Most news reports expected an early build of Windows 8 running on a tablet with an ...

An Objective Comparison of Future Computing Interfaces

Some tech bloggers are lampooning Microsoft’s upcoming Windows 8 operating system based on a Microsoft blog that detailed some new feature in the Windows 8 file manager.  MG Siegler of TechCrunch highlighted a heavily marked up file explorer that has nothing to do with what actual users see to lampoon Windows 8 and compared the Windows ...

iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 Available to Sprint

Apple’s iPhone 5 will not become a dual mode “world phone” that supports GSM and CDMA and will no longer be exclusive to the two biggest wireless carriers in the US.  Both the upcoming iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 will be available to Sprint.  In light of Sprint’s 15 year partnership and Sprint’s current talks to buy out ClearWire, ...

Summer 2011 Merger Overview

The summer months are usually uneventful in tech news, but the summer of 2011 has shaped up to be a major inflection point in the technology world.  Several high profile mergers that are either waiting for approval or in fantasy stages will reshape the entire sector. Approved mergers Microsoft and Skype – The world’s largest PC-to-PC ...

AT&T T-Mobile Merger can Bring LTE to Rural America

In a redacted letter posted to the FCC website, AT&T explain how a merger with T-Mobile would bring LTE to rural America.  Specifically, the increased economies of scale would allow AT&T’s upcoming LTE network to cover 97% of the American population rather than 80% of the population.  That 17% difference in population is essentially most of rural ...

The LightSquared Kerfuffle

We had a great discussion about the ugly problem of GPS interference last week and why it can’t be oversimplified.  Yesterday, venture capitalist Philip Falcone – a major financial backer of wireless startup LightSquared – slammed the GPS coalition for opposing LightSquared’s plans to use satellite spectrum for terrestrial wireless broadband.  Falcone reiterated the same talking points used ...

FCC Broadband Performance Data Vindicates ISPs

When the FCC released its 2009 Broadband Performance report last year, it concluded that broadband providers were delivering only half their advertised broadband performance to consumers. This set off a media firestorm of outrage. Websites like ArsTechnica declared that the FCC report confirmed fears that consumers were being ripped off. I pointed out that the ...

YouTube Becoming Unusable During the Day?

If you’ve been noticing problems with using YouTube during the day over the past few months, it is not your imagination.  The online video streaming for user generated content has degraded significantly in recent months, to the point where even the lowest quality and lowest bandwidth 360P videos streams can’t be played without significant buffering and ...

Complexity of Updating Android Exacerbates Security Problems

I bought a new HTC Nexus One last week, which unfortunately came with a custom ROM (Android Kernel Version: 2.16.405.1 CL223106 release-keys).  Unfortunately, this particular firmware prohibits any “Over The Air” (OTA) updates or even manual updates and it was a nightmare trying to track down the solution to the problem.  Luckily my online search led me ...

Experts Vindicate Cell Phones of Cancer Risk

A group of international experts have reviewed the body of scientific research regarding the safety of cell phone radio signals and concluded that the evidence is increasingly vindicating cell phones.  This study is in line with my rational discussion of cell phones article where I discussed sensible precautions that not only reduce radio exposure to ...