Guest Author

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Voices from the world’s largest gathering of female technologists

The Grace Hopper Women Celebration of Women in Computing drew 14,000 women and 1,000 men from 83 different countries to Houston this week. Hundreds of tech companies hosted recruiting booths for current and prospective women engineers. In addition, universities, policy institutes and media outlets added a unique flavor to the event. Peter Maroulis and Alicia ...

Kara Swisher: ‘The most powerful tech reporters happen to be women’

Kara Swisher is one of the most influential women in tech, without actually working for a tech company. She’s the executive editor and founder of Recode, a tech news outlet and events company owned since 2015 by Vox Media, and has covered tech in Silicon Valley since 1997. Over the years, Swisher has developed a ...

Guest post: 3 ways to avoid the data silo syndrome

The inability to access data, run simple reports and develop new software and systems can be infuriating. Often, the root cause is fragmentation of data in multiple “data silos.” Unfortunately, the cure for data silos can be worse than the disease. Enterprise data lakes or warehouse projects, for example, are prone to becoming overgrown and ...

Guest Post: ‘Virtualization 2.0’ is your on-ramp to the cloud

The future of IT is in the cloud, yet some companies are still wary of making the leap. Their existing systems and processes are working for them, so why take the perceived risk and expense of migrating them to a new model? But it’s a mistake to think of cloud adoption as an all-or-nothing proposition. ...

To unlock Big Data’s potential, learn to use fast data

As organizations become more sophisticated in their use of Big Data, many are struggling to make real-time business decisions before opportunities disappear. Legacy infrastructure holds them back because it cannot scale to the speed and volume required to analyze Big Data in real-time. Sluggish legacy systems force organizations to use outdated data to make critical ...

5 reasons Google+ failed: One power user’s observations

Editor’s Note: The following is an Op-Ed post originally published by Thomas Hawk on, republished here with permission. Mashable has the top story out on Techmeme right now and it’s about Google+. It paints a pretty negative picture of Google+ as a failure of epic proportions for Google. I joined Google+ on the very first day it ...

Cloud data protection: Don’t assume you’re covered

It’s not uncommon any longer to see a company’s entire IT portfolio comprised of cloud apps. But is enterprise data safe in the cloud? The answer is yes, but with qualifiers. Vendors invest major portions of their budgets in security, but backup and disaster recovery is the white elephant that few vendors want to discuss, ...

Search stole the customer experience; AI is your chance to get it back

When search emerged as the dominate gateway to Web interaction at the turn of the century, it likewise transformed customer service, and not necessarily in a good way. It gave rise to the rapid acceleration of expectations and acceptance of self-help, with customers seeking answers to their problems on the Web, but it also took ...

Understand Hadoop’s limitations in order to realize its full value

A major issue facing Hadoop early adopters is… now what? While all the excitement about Hadoop is well justified, many people don’t fully understand its limitations – such as the difficulty of connecting and linking data across the cluster – and thus don’t use Hadoop to its fullest potential. you Early Hadoop adopters are starting ...

Why graph databases are perfect for the Internet of Things

Goldman Sachs recently posited that the Internet of Things, the so-called “Third Wave of the Internet,” will “transform the way we live and work” as it opens up “a host of new opportunities and challenges for companies, governments and consumers.” Meanwhile, Morgan Stanley recently predicted that within the next five years, some 75 billion connected devices ...