Guest Author

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Keeping up with Big Data: An IT Tale of Two Architectures

If there is one topic in computing, networking and storage that is commanding attention these days, it’s Big Data.  We read about it in the media, we hear about it at conferences and seminars, we learn about it in podcasts and webinars.  In fact, we can now even enroll in courses of study on it. ...

Eyes Don’t Lie: Where Eye-Tracking Meets Market Research

As brands go head to head for consumers dollars and advertising space rates increase, companies are realizing they need to be more strategic with their messaging to reach their target audience. What better way than to ask their potential consumers? However, traditional methods of collecting data from consumers surrounding brands need to be supplemented by new ones, which ...

4 Reasons NoSQL Makes Sense for Powering Today’s Social Games

Social gaming is a “hits” business.  There are a large number of social games that are developed but a relatively small number make it big.  Every developer’s dream is to have their game go viral and shoot to the top of the download and DAU charts. In this environment, selecting the right database is more ...

Scaling Business: Predicting How Big your Cloud-based Company Can Be

You don’t have to look far to stumble across a company that has seen its once-stellar growth evolve to a point where the customer base stagnates. While business seemingly remains steady, the number of customers simply isn’t growing. Is the market saturated? Of course not! So why does this happen, and how can you begin ...

How To Prevent CyberCrime

If you aren’t worried about the threat cybercrime poses to your financial well-being, think again. Cybercrime is a worldwide epidemic affecting thousands of victims every year. It’s no surprise why criminals are so eager to use the Internet for their fraudulent scams and deceptive ways: According to the 2012 edition of the Norton Cybercrime Report, ...

Social Media: Enterprises, Are You Doing it Wrong?

It’s all too familiar a story. With over 900 million people on Facebook, and with Twitter expected to surpass 250 million in 2012, we all want to “go social.” Brands included; but there’s the rub. The enterprise and large brands are clamoring to gain control over their reputation online and simultaneously figure out just how ...

Extending Your People-Centric IT Strategy to Mobile Devices

Enterprise computing is continuously evolving, but the pace of change has accelerated dramatically in the last five years. In this short period of time: Virtual desktops and remote desktop session technologies matured and assumed a more strategic role in office and campus computing environments. Laptop PCs eclipsed desktops as the predominant computing platform in most ...

Conversations Too Sensitive for email: How SaaS Improves Your Company’s Info Security

From greater efficiency and dramatic cost savings, to anywhere, anytime access to applications and data, the advantages of cloud computing are well documented. Yet enthusiasm for the cloud is often tempered by security concerns: theft of data, unauthorized access, loss of data, and compliance issues. We are flooded with articles and discussions about the security ...

Foreign Remittances Go Digital: Celebrating Families

Nothing says family like money and – probably – the quintessential American experience is captured by the immigrant worker who sticks a few dollars in an envelope, glues on an airmail stamp and sends that $5 or $20 off to Mumbai or Lahore. We now are in National Family Month  which means it is especially ...

Anirban Banerjee on Five Reasons a Website Gets Blacklisted, Sony PlayStation Network and Citibank—they’re strange bedfellows. But if you hadn’t guessed, what these three have in common is the scarlet “H” they’ve been slapped with in recent headlines: Hacked. One consequence of a website hack is that it can infect thousands of visitors who trusted the website enough to visit it. The personal ...