James Kobielus

James Kobielus is @theCUBE and Wikibon lead analyst for AI, data, data science, deep learning and application development. Previously, Jim was IBM Corp.'s data science evangelist. He managed IBM's thought leadership, social and influencer marketing programs targeted at developers of big data analytics, machine learning and cognitive computing applications. Prior to his five-year stint at IBM, Jim was an analyst at Forrester Research, Current Analysis and the Burton Group. He is also a prolific blogger, a popular speaker and a familiar face from his many appearances as an expert on theCUBE and at industry events.

Latest from James Kobielus


Kubeflow shows promise in standardizing the AI DevOps pipeline

Developing applications for the cloud increasingly requires building and deploying containerized microservices, or application modules that can be deployed to multiple computing environments. Increasingly, artificial intelligence is at the core of these cloud applications. Addressing the need to create and deploy containerized AI models within cloud applications, more providers of application development tools are building ...

At Boomi World, new accelerators for connected business in the cloud

When I encounter yet another company with yet another “connected business” pitch, I have a mental checklist of things I’m looking for, and this morning I found one company that nailed every one. The key “connected business” differentiators I’m looking for in a provider’s offering — and its development roadmap — consist of the following: ...

Microsoft and IBM flock to the center of all things open source

Open-source software used to be a community that defined itself by whom it didn’t include. For many open-source developers of long standing, whom it didn’t include was two established information technology providers whose headquarters were (and remain) nowhere close to Silicon Valley. I’m referring, of course, to Microsoft Corp. and IBM Corp. If you’ve been ...

Looking ahead to AWS re:Invent, public clouds keep gaining momentum

Amazon Web Services Inc. continues to dominate the public cloud market. As its seventh annual re:Invent conference approaches, it’s clear that AWS, along with Microsoft Corp. and Google LLC, are the clear leaders in this arena, with strong differentiation in AI, containerization, serverless, edge and other innovative approaches for standing up production-grade enterprise applications in their respective ...

Building algorithmic protections against engineered political opinions

Free speech is a fundamental right in any democracy. But some people have loud voices and the proverbial megaphone that can easily drown out everybody else’s free speech. Freedom of the press is also a fundamental democratic right, but it’s a double-edged sword. The people who own and control the newspapers, magazines, TV networks, radio ...

With Red Hat, IBM expands its focus on cloud-native development for multiclouds

For IBM Corp., the blockbuster acquisition of Red Hat Inc. is all about the cloud — many clouds, that is. IBM and Red Hat announced Sunday that the companies have reached a definitive agreement under which IBM will acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Red Hat for $190 per share in cash ...

OpenWorld 2018 wrap: Oracle struggles to grow its cloud business, but AI-driven apps set it apart

Oracle Corp.’s OpenWorld, now in its 21st year, is as big, brash and buzzy as ever. This year’s conference hosted more than 60,000 Oracle customers and partners from 175 countries. Not only that, the livestream of the keynote sessions was viewed by 19 million virtual attendees. It’s not OpenWorld without Oracle co-founder, Executive Chairman and ...

Oracle’s self-driving vision is comprehensive but still disjointed and incomplete

The concept of “self-driving” capabilities in any realm of business means they’re continually optimized through data-driven guidance. In other words, people and machines can, under a growing range of circumstances, be trusted to take actions by themselves, because they’re guided in real time by the best data and best predictive and prescriptive models available. Self-driving ...

At OpenWorld, Oracle extends AI throughout its ‘self-driving’ cloud solutions

Oracle hasn’t made artificial intelligence the centerpiece of its product strategy in the way that its closest public cloud rivals have. But that doesn’t mean it’s doing nothing with AI. In fact, Oracle has embedded AI functionality extensively into its diverse portfolio of cloud, data, integration and application platforms to help customers accelerate their digital ...

Here are the top VMworld 2018 takeaways from Wikibon’s analysts

Enterprise data centers are on the move. They’re virtualizing into the multicloud, up the application stack into containerized and serverless environments, and all the way to the edge. This past week at its annual conference, VMware Inc. showed that it is well-positioned to dominate the software-defined data centers of enterprises the world over, or at ...