Kristina Farrah

A ninja, a tech enthusiast and a lover of sparkly things. Writing in the tech space has become an important part of my role as an observer and historian. As passionate as I am in what I do, I look forward to telling stories of how technological advancement broke out to unprecedented levels, and that I was right there in the middle of it –watching the world change before my very eyes.

Latest from Kristina Farrah

The Perpetual Hell of Apple-Samsung Patents

Despite their ostensibly healthy business mutualism, Apple and Samsung have actually taken legal brouhahas against each other in courts across different countries. The patent skirmish began when Samsung launched its Galaxy devices which Apple believes were crafted with such pervasive copying that they appear to be actual Apple products, subsequently filing 16 claims against Samsung.

RIM, Yahoo Battle Manpower Headaches

Sad as it may seem, RIM and Yahoo is given added problems on top of their lackluster performance and slacking market. First off, two of RIM’s employees were fired following their arrest and penalty of $38,878 each to Air Canada for disrupting one of the airline’s flights to Beijing last week.

This Holiday’s Mobile Shopper: Infographic

Everybody loves to shop during holiday season. It has become a tradition that we have lived through over the years. However, the shopping landscape sure has changed as people are given more options on how to do it. Things got comfortable when online shopping was introduced, much more so now that we can shop while ...

These Big Data Events will Unlock the Possibilities of Unstructured Data

Big data - datasets that grow so large that they become awkward to work with using on-hand database management tools, says Wikipedia. This particularly new area of information technology includes capture, storage, search, sharing, analytics and visualizing. Big data is also what’s responsible for emerging new trends such as business analytics, and has played a ...

Don’t Fall for Black Friday and Cyber Monday Scams: Infographic

Holiday season is the time when people take a break from their fast-paced, hectic city life. On the contrary, this is the busiest time for hackers and scammers setting up their dirty little schemes to lull even the most experience shopper. Veracode Inc., the provider of the world’s only independent, cloud-based application risk management platform, ...

New BlackBerries Already on the Decline, Windows Phone 7 Market Intensifies

RIM got a bit of attention during the initial period of BlackBerry 7 product line release. Right now, however, tides are beginning to change. Emasculating their glory is the nearly incessant growth of the iPhone, and the much anticipated release of the Galaxy in the US, topped by the buzz surrounding upcoming devices from Nokia, ...

Intel Shrinks Server Chip in Knights Corner

Well, we’ve always perceived super computers housed inside oversized cabinets, far from the personal computer that we all use. Now, the genius of Intel might change everything as it today unveils a processor the size of a small chip but the power of a supercomputer running at 1 teraflops dubbed as Knights Corner. It is ...

Humanization of Tech: Infographic

Technology’s purpose has always been to increase productivity. If we look back in history, new tools are not exactly the easiest to handle but people capitalize on them with sweat and time in order to successfully use them and make things a lot easier the long run. Today, however, technologies that have succeeded in the ...

Social To-Do App Backed by Eric Schmidt Fund

If you know Taskos, then you probably know Any.Do, the team behind Taskos development and success. Today, the team announced yet another To Do app that lets your create, organize and share tasks with your friends, regardless of whether or not the people you’re sharing it with has the app.

SunGard and University of Texas Join Forces to Solve Cloud Computing Problems

Cloud computing is a rising trend. We all take advantage of it regardless of whether we realize it or not. Buying stuff at eBay, browsing through Amazon, watching our favorite online videos, all of these take place in the cloud. In order to improve cloud computing as we know it today, partnerships have established with ...