Mark Albertson

Mark Albertson is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s livestreaming studio. He is an experienced technology reporter, recognized by Onalytica as a "Who's Who In Cloud Influencer" and named to Peerlyst’s “24 Powerful Cybersecurity Journalists.” Prior to SiliconANGLE, Mark wrote for the San Francisco Examiner, Blasting News, and CBS-Bay Area.

Latest from Mark Albertson


Chief data officer emerges from back office to front lines as Big Tech’s data use draws fire

The number of companies with chief data officers on staff has skyrocketed in recent years, with Gartner Inc. reporting that 90% of large organizations will have a CDO by the end of this year. Yet, it remains such a challenging position that Gartner also estimates only half will be successful in their role in 2019. What’s ...

New AWS services position cloud as safer port in dangerous cybersecurity sea

In a digital world increasingly fraught with security challenges, Amazon Web Services Inc. has a message for the enterprise community: Come to us, and we’ll make it easy to set up and secure valuable data in a cloud computing environment. Late Monday, AWS announced general availability for its Control Tower and Security Hub services after a ...

AstraZeneca works with IBM to unlock the power of cognitive digitization for business value

Job titles can often disappear in the tech jargon and bureaucracy of the corporate world. Yet, it’s worth noting what’s on the business card for Mark Clare (pictured, left). He’s the head of data enablement at AstraZeneca PLC, a multinational biopharmaceutical company. Data enablement? “AstraZeneca wanted to focus on how we actually enable our businesses,” Clare ...

IBM moves through transformation by using AI to build enterprise data platform

During an interview in October, IBM Corp. Chief Executive Officer Ginni Rometty stated flatly that data will determine corporate winners and losers and her company was going through its own transformation centered around data. Rometty stated that the key for any company seeking to become an incumbent disruptor is to make something of the data ...

Dell’s storage acquisition eight years ago paved way for Winslow Technology Group’s success

It may seem like a long time ago, but there actually was a time when Dell Technologies Inc., years before it become Dell EMC, was struggling to gain a foothold in the storage business. For years, Dell would get outflanked by other players at the time, including Hewlett-Packard Co. and EMC itself. In 2011, it ...

Money for network or child’s wish? How one nonprofit CIO balances business and emotion

It’s time to implement the latest and greatest network computing upgrade. On the surface, it’s the kind of business decision most information-technology managers make without thinking twice. But instead of spending that money to improve IT operations, what if the same amount could be used to let a 13-year-old girl with a heart condition be ...

Actifio pioneers copy data management in a “no-box” zone

Not long after Actifio Inc. was founded in 2009, the company came to a critical realization. The firm had pioneered the field of copy data management based on the premise that managing more data didn’t mean more storage, and the best place to capture data was in backup using its software platform. Yet it also ...

Cloud providers, app developers power new era of ‘multiplied innovation’

We have crossed over from the age of “experimentation” to a time of “multiplied innovation,” where key technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and the “internet of things” will scale rapidly inside the enterprise world. That’s the central thesis offered by Frank Gens (pictured), senior vice president and chief analyst of IDC Research Inc. Gens presented ...

Actifio’s latest recovery tools sharpen its focus on public cloud

Earlier this week, Actifio Inc. released its Multi-Cloud Mobility and Automation solution with a focus on disaster-recovery tailored for public cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services Inc. and Microsoft Azure. The latest release highlighted the copy data management software company’s move to strengthen its position within the enterprise cloud ecosystem. It also led some analysts ...

Conference attendees bask in the love of Angel Paws

Conferences can be energizing, inspiring and fun. They can also be noisy, stressful and tiring, all in a single day. So when attendees at Dell Technologies World 2019 in April turned a corner at the conference venue and found an exhibit occupied primarily by smiling cuddly dogs, well, how could anyone possibly pass that up? ...