Mark Albertson

Mark Albertson is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s livestreaming studio. He is an experienced technology reporter, recognized by Onalytica as a "Who's Who In Cloud Influencer" and named to Peerlyst’s “24 Powerful Cybersecurity Journalists.” Prior to SiliconANGLE, Mark wrote for the San Francisco Examiner, Blasting News, and CBS-Bay Area.

Latest from Mark Albertson

Fresh look at building automation security exposes network vulnerability

Engineers at Forescout Technologies Inc. call it the “wow effect.” When they meet with a client and present a complete overview of a network, the response is invariably a jaw-dropping, forehead-slapping exclamation. Many surprised customers often had no knowledge of how many devices were online or the threat exposure that created. “They had no idea ...

What’s on my network? Forescout offers an agentless way to find out

When a person comes home, he or she probably wants to know fairly quickly if anyone else is inside and whether they’re friend or foe. The same is true for chief information officers who constantly ask: “What’s on my network?” As the number of “internet of things” devices connected to a network rises exponentially, so ...

In the cyber arms race, humans will replace computers in the crosshairs

Like a supercharged car powering up a steep mountain, cybersecurity threats have shifted into another gear. In the beginning, when “script kiddies” tapping on rudimentary computers in their parents’ basements would break into websites and deface them, attacks were a nuisance and not much more. As major businesses began to use the internet for transactional ...

Imanis Data leverages machine learning to address enterprise fragmentation

Data may be driving today’s enterprise, but the engine is only using a fraction of its horsepower. A recent information technology study by Cohesity Inc. found that a significant majority — approximately 80 percent — of an organization’s data is not mission critical. It’s languishing in backups, object stores and archives scattered across public and ...

FinOps is the future as Cloudability works with companies to rein in spending

In the world of plastic money, all it takes these days is a valid credit card to spin up a virtual machine in the cloud. But as engineers move quickly to deliver more features and power the latest applications, the cost of spinning up can rapidly spin out of control. It’s a familiar problem for ...

From protection to management: Veeam focuses on data visibility, access and control

There is a saying in the sports world about athletes that the best ability is availability, always being able to play. The same case can be made in today’s multicloud world about data and its availability for the enterprise. Recent surveys of chief information officers and other enterprise information technology executives underscore this point. Deloitte’s ...

Power Panel Q&A: entrepreneurs on the future of specialty clouds and open source

Businesses of all sizes are sorting through the maze of cloud and software options available in the market today. Single cloud or multicloud? Proprietary software or open source? Those and other prime topics in enterprise computing got the full treatment recently in a special panel discussion on theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s video studio in Palo Alto, ...

Dell EMC launches multicloud tools for data protection in advance of RSA conference

Is network security an oxymoron? Like jumbo shrimp and awfully good, network security seems ripe for inclusion in the roll call of combined contradictory words, especially when considering the steady parade of high-profile breaches and cyberattacks. In the past month alone, a Toyota division’s computers were knocked out by an attack in Australia, Microsoft Corp. ...

Cohesity takes smartphone approach to data fragmentation

With more than 1.5 billion smartphones sold on an annual basis and the number of users approaching 2.5 billion this year, a case could easily be made that the smartphone model has some appeal. So, why not apply the same principles of a cross-platform interface, machine-learning integration, and app marketplace found in the smartphone to solve ...

Straight takes: Ray Wang weighs in on IBM, Red Hat, Salesforce, Google and Amazon

Analysts are paid to have opinions, and Ray Wang (pictured), founder, chairman and principal analyst of Constellation Research Inc., doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to assessing the state of the enterprise tech world today. Take IBM Corp.’s blockbuster acquisition of Red Hat Inc. in October. The computing giant paid $34 billion to acquire ...