Mark Albertson

Mark Albertson is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s livestreaming studio. He is an experienced technology reporter, recognized by Onalytica as a "Who's Who In Cloud Influencer" and named to Peerlyst’s “24 Powerful Cybersecurity Journalists.” Prior to SiliconANGLE, Mark wrote for the San Francisco Examiner, Blasting News, and CBS-Bay Area.

Latest from Mark Albertson

Five9 leverages AI and cloud to revolutionize the contact center business

In the near future, calls into a customer contact center used for “training purposes” will no longer involve people in seats listening to an instructor. The training will be for machine-learning models, and the participants will be computers. This is the vision that Five9 Inc., a provider of software for contact centers, sees for the ...

Enterprise cloud consultant opens new channels of communication in tech community

When Chris Williams (pictured), enterprise cloud consultant at GreenPages Technology Solutions, was awarded the vExpert Cloud Specialist designation by VMware Inc. in 2017, he expressed his passion for learning new skills and sharing his knowledge with others. That passion has carried over into a number of advanced cloud computing areas, amplified by his dialogue with ...

PS Lifestyle turns to the cloud for modernizing its hair salon business

Many industries have been transformed by a shift to the cloud, and the hair-styling profession is no exception. PS Lifestyle, whose business transformed hair salons in assisted senior-living facilities into professional centers and spas, faced a need to convert from a manual process to a more automated one. Cloud platforms provided a major part of ...

System guru offers advice: Automate yourself into a new job

Is the system administrator an endangered species, about to join company with the African wild dog, Bornean orangutan, and the black-footed ferret? One experienced systems administrator doesn’t think so, but it will require refocusing on the major changes taking place in the information technology industry. Automation and the rise of developer operations are just a couple ...

Toshiba moves forward with UFS as next-generation flash storage

Today’s tech devices offer different features and user services, but there are at least two elements common to every product. They all run on processors and need storage. Most smartphone users have no idea what kind of flash storage runs on their device, but it has become increasingly important as mobile applications require high-speed performance ...

To the edge and back: Cisco stakes its claim to the application-centric infrastructure

A steady stream of announcements from the Cisco Live gathering in Barcelona last week provided a clear message that Cisco Systems Inc. was positioning itself to take multicloud programmability to the edge, accompanied by a suite of solutions to automate distributed computing. It was a significant change for a company that had spent the better ...

How Liz Centoni makes sure Cisco has a seat at the IoT table

Any doubts about Cisco Systems Inc.’s commitment to providing products and services for the internet of things space were quickly erased in Barcelona, Spain, this past week. The networking giant rolled out a series of announcements during its Cisco Live gathering designed to offer intent-based networking at the edge, where a preponderance of IoT devices ...

After years of hugging routers, Cisco CIO embraces new operational model

Guiding the information technology operation of a Fortune 100 company can be a challenge even when times are relatively stable. Throw in the transformation of Cisco Systems Inc. from being a network hardware company to one that capitalizes on advances in software and artificial intelligence, and you have new challenges, particularly building a staff with ...

Good data privacy is also good for business, says new Cisco study

Companies that put the data house in order as part of privacy regulation in Europe last year realized tangible benefits for the business and have experienced shorter sales cycles and a lesser impact of data breaches as a result. That’s part of the key findings from the 2019 Data Privacy Benchmark Study released in January ...

Cisco’s growing developer network leverages applications and community

Anyone who starts a new organization would likely be quite happy to grow by 100,000 members a year. Since Cisco Systems Inc.’s DevNet developer program was launched in 2014, it has since exceeded 500,000 participants, testimony to the company’s cultivation of both the developer community and a new business model focused on application development. “These are ...