Mellisa Tolentino

Mellisa Tolentino started at SiliconANGLE covering the mobile and social scene. Over the years, her scope expanded to Bitcoin as well as the Internet of Things. SiliconANGLE gave Mellisa her break in writing and it has been an adventure ever since. She’s from the sunny country of Philippines where people always greet you with the warmest smile. If she’s not busy writing, she loves reading, watching TV series and movies, but what she enjoys the most is playing or just chilling on the couch with with her three dogs Ceecee, Ginger, and Rocky.

Latest from Mellisa Tolentino

Why BlackBerry’s Bringing BBM to Android and iOS

BlackBerry’s just announced that come summertime its BlackBerry Messenger service will be available as a downloadable app for iOS and Android devices.  Very soon, texts, photo messages and group sharing functions will be available to iOS and Android users when they download the BBM app, while BlackBerry also plans to add screen sharing, voice and ...

Nokia Lumia 925 vs. the iPhone 5 + Galaxy S4

Nokia just announced its flagship Windows Phone 8 handset, the Lumia 925.  Though it’s not that different from the previous Lumia 920 and 928, it should be noted that it was improved, mostly for the camera.  Not enough of a change to win you over?  The Lumia 925 has other great features that Nokia believes ...

Slicing Infrastructure Costs, at All Costs – #sapphirenow 2013 – Breaking Analysis

SiliconANGLE’s premier video production, theCube, is broadcasting live at SAPphire NOW 2013 this week, and our guys are diving in, extracting the signal from the noise, to deliver the hottest topics at the event.  And right now the hot topic is on how to reduce the cost of running SAP systems. Wikibon co-founder and CTO David ...

Google Glass Could Easily Push Apple Rival Ahead in Mobile Ecosystem #I/O2013

It has been established that Google I/O 2013 will be all about the developers but that doesn’t mean than Google is about to snub its consumers.  There will be product launches but they may not be what people really want to hear about. SiliconANGLE will be covering the event so you’ll be sure to get ...

Battle for Mobile Developers : Google + Rivals Out to Win the Popularity Contest

Google’s Android and Chrome chief, Sundar Pichai, let it slip during his Wired interview that this year’s I/O event will be far more focused on developers than consumers, a far cry from last year’s device launches that took over the developer-centric event.  Some consumers may already be whining as they’re expecting Google to announce an ...

What The Hell’s Up With All These Lumias? 920 vs. 925 vs. 928

Nokia has just unveiled its newest Windows Phone device, the Lumia 925.  It’s another iteration of its high-end Lumia 920 that was introduced last year, and like the US-only Lumia 928, Nokia has made a few changes to spice things up. “We keep innovating,” said Jo Harlow, executive vice president of Nokia Smart Devices. “We’re ...

Amazon Buys Liquavista – Full Color Kindle Readers Anyone?

Amazon has announced the acquisition of Liquavista, a company that’s best known for making the colored screens used in e-readers previously owned by Samsung. Earlier this year, The Digital Reader predicted that Amazon was eyeing up Liquavista, and as a result of that interest Samsung priced the business at less than $100 million.  Before Amazon’s ...

Developers Guide to Google I/O 2013 Sessions: A Crash Course in Interesting Overload

In Sundar Pichai’s interview with Wired, Google’s Android and Chrome leader mentioned that Google I/O 2013 won’t be like previous events in the sense that it’s not consumer-centric, but would focus more on developers and what they need and want to write codes.  Pichai stated that attendees should not expect I/O 2013 to be teeming ...

Your Guide to SAPphire NOW 2013 : Watch Live + More

Kicking off tomorrow is SAPphire NOW + ASUG’s annual event at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.  We’ll be there with theCUBE streaming live interviews with some of the industry’s top executives, extracting the signal from the noise (catch our live broadcast here at  Headed to SAPphire this year?  Here’s a mini-guide to keep you ...

Some Truth to Google I/O Rumors : Info on Game Center, Chrome OS + More

Google I/O is just two sleeps away and I’m sure attendees can’t wait to get buzzed on Google announcements.  If you’ll be attending the event like, make sure to read our Complete Google I/O 2013 Guide so you won’t be too overwhelmed when you get there. And brush up on last year’s announcements with our ...