Nelson Williams

Nelson is a beat writer for SiliconANGLE's premier video production team theCUBE. He covers theCUBE events worldwide, spanning expert commentary on the hottest trends in IT.

Latest from Nelson Williams

Driving flash performance, affordability | #VMworld

These days, more companies are turning to flash storage to power their most critical real-time applications. When performance is an issue, flash storage wins hands down over traditional spinning disk media, but at the cost of capacity. Now, industry giant HP is working with flash to change the data storage world. To help open a ...

Finding connection in a world of fragmented Clouds | #VMworld

These days, more and more of the tech world is moving to the Cloud, but there is no single Cloud out there. Instead, businesses find a world of fragmented Clouds, some public, some private, but all only loosely connected, if connected at all. Much of the recent innovation in the Cloud has come from bringing these ...

SDN: From marketing hype to openness and programmability | #VMworld

Although the power of data is changing the business world every day, all that information wouldn’t be of much use if it couldn’t travel across networks. Networking is seeing as much change and innovation as any other part of the digital revolution, and smart businesses are keeping an eye on this market. To gain some ...

Flash an evolution, not a revolution in storage | #VMworld

Digital storage systems are the core of any data-driven business, and the industry giant IBM has been making a number of moves to position itself in the storage market. Offering an array of products and a lineup of partners, IBM has set itself as a major player in the digital revolution. To bring its strategy into ...

Data reduction optimizes storage for the digital revolution | #VMworld

The VMworld 2015 conference has been all about data storage, the key to the modern data-driven tech industry. New technologies keep data storage on the cutting edge of innovation. One of those advances is called data reduction, a term that’s been spreading through the market. To help understand this data reduction technology, and also to ...

How IBM supports custom storage for oceans of data | #VMworld

The digital transformation of business is powered by data, and that information must be stored in safe, high-performance storage solutions. IBM has entered the data storage market with a number of offerings to meet the changing needs of tech businesses. To get an inside look at IBM’s data storage plans, Dave Vellante of theCUBE, from ...

Why you should consider startups for storage scalability needs | #VMworld

Every tech business needs storage to handle the vast amounts of data brought about by the digital revolution, but the old solutions aren’t always the best choice in today’s ever-changing environment. New technologies have opened the possibilities for storage, and created a great deal of opportunity in a market once dominated by a few industry ...

Making infrastructure invisible | #VMworld

One of the biggest disruptions in the tech industry is the idea that technology should be easy to use, not only for the customer, but also for the developer. Infrastructure companies are discovering there’s a big market for technology that’s so easy to use it becomes almost invisible for their clients. To talk about this ...

HP “gets real” about Big Data, unveils new model for revamped tech | #HPBigData2015

Industry giant Hewlett-Packard Co. has been making a number of moves lately in the Big Data world to help unleash the power of information for companies of all sizes. It has supported startups, and its technology has powered the digital transformation of leading businesses. To help shed some light on HP’s plan for the future of data, ...

Big Data helps students adjust to university life | #HPBigData2015

Big Data is changing the face of business around the world, but it’s also improving the lives of people outside the corporate sphere. One example of this can be found at Nottingham Trent University, where Big Data is used to help shape the student experience. To take a closer look at this transformation, John Furrier ...