Paul Gillin

Paul Gillin is the Senior Editor for Wikibon’s micro-analysis team. He is the author of five books and more than 300 articles on the topic of social media and digital marketing. Gillin has 23 years experience in tech journalism, including his time as founding editor-in-chief of B2B technology publisher TechTarget as well as editor-in-chief and executive editor of the technology weekly Computerworld. He is a Senior Research Fellow at the Society for New Communications Research and a member of the Procter & Gamble Digital Advisory Board.

Latest from Paul Gillin

John Sculley talks customer control, innovation at the edges and $150 smart phones

More than a decade the past the typical corporation’s mandatory retirement age, John Sculley appears busier than ever. He’s a board member or cofounder of more than 15 companies, a frequent public speaker and author of a new book, Moonshot!: Game-Changing Strategies to Build Billion-Dollar Businesses. Far from resting on the laurels of his success as a ...

Users tell of the many upsides of data quality and integration

Whether through acquisitions or just modifications to legacy systems made over a period of years, mature companies inevitably run into data integration and quality problems. These issues are becoming particularly pronounced in the age of analytics, when companies need to pull data from sources that may number in the hundreds. When formats and fields are ...

Global survey finds cloud computing has gone mainstream

The fifth annual Future of Cloud Computing Survey, conducted by venture capital firm North Bridge in partnership with Wikibon, leaves no doubt that the biggest cloud computing question facing corporations is no longer “whether” but “how much”. The 2015 survey of 952 cloud adopters in 38 countries reveals that cloud adoption has reached record levels in ...

Cloudyn raises $11M to expand cloud management platform

Multi-cloud management startup Cloudyn Ltd. said it has raised an $11 million Series B round of financing and plans to use the infusion to expand its U.S. presence. The Tel Aviv, Israel-based firm is also looking to expand its support of private clouds through support of VMware Inc. and Microsoft Azure Private Cloud platforms. Currently, ...

Digital business still a lot more talk than action, says Capgemini study

Like teenage sex, digital business still appears to be a lot more talk than action, according to a new report by Capgemini Consulting. Its survey of more than 270 senior executives at 135 companies in 28 countries conducted in collaboration with the MIT Center for Digital Business found that the payoffs of organizing a company ...

Startup Anodot uses machine learning to hunt for anomalies

Fresh from a $3 million Series A funding round, Israeli analytics startup Anodot, Inc. exits stealth today with a real-time analytics engine focused on anomaly detection. The system uses patented machine learning algorithms to deliver what it claims is unparalleled ease-of-use and rapid response when finding data patterns that deviate from the expected norms. The ...

MapR advances real-time push with integration platform

Continuing a recent push into the real-time data processing that began with the 5.0 release of its namesake Hadoop distribution, MapR Technologies Inc. today debuted a converged messaging and data integration platform that it says simplifies the delivery of streaming data by using a single pipe that can access multiple data sources and deliver to ...

Tips for writing year-end predictions

Each year the holiday season brings SiliconANGLE a deluge of inquiries from vendors and their agencies about publishing their predictions for the coming year. I’ll be blunt: Most of these predictions articles are dull and, well, predictable. And since everyone does them, they’re no longer very distinctive. If you want your predictions post to be ...

AppDynamics raises $158M, updates monitoring platform

Red-hot application monitoring startup AppDynamics, Inc. kicked off its annual user conference by announcing that it has closed a $158 million funding round and released a new version of its Application Intelligence Platform  that adds server infrastructure and browser-simulated monitoring as well as support for C/C++ applications and enhanced analytics. With the new funding, led by  General  Atlantic  and  Altimeter  Capital, among ...

Sizing up public cloud: Amazon dominant, but not indomitable

First in a series of articles analyzing the strategies the largest public cloud vendors are using to court enterprise customers.  So much praise has been showered on Amazon Web Services (AWS) this year, particularly in the afterglow of its recent re:Invent conference, that there’s no longer any question AWS is the default cloud provider for ...