R. Danes

R. Danes is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio, who is based on the East Coast. Her fondness for old media and longform journalism converges with an interest in new media and digital content trends. Exploring digital disruption in the realm of publications, articles and writing led her to writing articles about digital disruption everywhere. Find R. Danes on Twitter @DanesRd. Got a news tip? Please tweet us @siliconangle.

Latest from R. Danes

Is this the magic wand to turn data into awesome applications? | #BigDataSV

Virtualize, virtualize, virtualize — that’s been the mantra in IT over the years, but one area has been uniquely resistant to virtualization — the database. But now with Big Data applications requiring faster processing and moving of data among nodes, the old systems are proving inadequate. The problem, said Rajeev Madhavan, board chairman and founding investor ...

Uh oh. Have we reached ‘peak B.I.’? | #BigDataSV

Even as predictions of all the wonderful things BigData is going to do for businesses are flurrying heavier daily, a troubling yellow light looms ahead. A recent flattening of consumption of business intelligence — one of Big Data’s main use-cases — has caused some to question whether we’ve hit “peak B.I” (business intelligence). Ian Andrews, ...

Do today’s businesses need ‘future proofing?’ | #BigDataSV

As the Big Data snowball continues to roll forward and pick up momentum, the need for speed is increasingly cited by experts as a major area of concern. If Big Data is ever going to deliver on its promise, the phases of gathering and analyzing are going to have to shorten and compress, according to Tendü ...

Sitting on a goldmine: What a free market for data will mean for businesses | #BigDataSV

The hype around Big Data continues to grow, and we are seeing some applications and use-cases to back it up. However, applying data science to the real world is still a nascent field in technology — so nascent that, according to Ryan Peterson, CTO of Data Republic Pty. Ltd., the most successful companies working with data ...

Beyond Bitcoin: The new blockchain apps changing commerce | #FinTech

There’s been a change on the conference scene lately. Where there used to be a new Bitcoin conference popping up at every turn, now blockchain conferences have become more frequent and popular. This last blockchain conference held in San Francisco drew attendance from heavy hitters Intel, Microsoft and IBM. According to Aldo Carrascoso, founder and ...

Show me the apps: Meet the new apps on the blockchain | #FinTech

It’s always about the applications, isn’t it? No matter what the new technology, however groundbreaking or innovative, the response from businesses and users always seems to be: Show me the apps. The Vanbex Group specializes in helping companies that utilize blockchain develop and market their services, products and applications. Lisa Cheng, founder of the Vanbex ...

Will technology spark another industrial revolution? | #FinTech

The model with most technologies that emerged over the years has been for technology companies to develop a technology and then take it to market, educate businesses about how it can increase their profits, cut expenditures, and make them more efficient. Blockchain represents an interesting paradigm shift, according to Joyce Shen, director of emerging tech ...

Are drones the next big thing in IoT? | #FinTech

Last year Amazon revealed its plan to introduce a service deploying drones to deliver packages to consumers in 30 minutes. While many found the idea high tech and innovative, others wondered at the technical issues involved: How would they keep the drones from crashing into each other? Would it require the company to hire air ...

Can Oracle’s cloud services find the needle in the Big Data haystack? | #CloudWorld

As the data mining rush really gets going, it feels as though we all are awaiting the big breakthrough — we just don’t yet know how it will look or how we’ll arrive there. Yet the data scientists remain optimistic, continually promising us, “There’s gold in them hills.” To help move us closer to that ...

Does the new Oracle Cloud Machine finally address public cloud’s Achilles heel? | #CloudWorld

What’s not to like about the cloud? Businesses can export architectural, maintenance and operational concerns to a cloud service provider for a reasonable subscription fee and cut their IT expenditures in the bargain. Well, there’s a small wrinkle that has been there since the beginning: security. Though many cloud service providers have made improvements in ...