R. Danes
Latest from R. Danes
Kubernetes gets its very own app-aware backup from Portworx
Back when users of VMware Inc.’s virtual machines cried out for their own backup solution, Veeam Software Inc. answered. Now, what about containers (a virtualized method for running distributed applications)? As they go on replacing VMs in a lot of IT shops, do they need their own specialized backup and data management technology? They do, ...
Red Hat, Cloudera try to bring big data up to post-COVID speed
Many companies used to talk about speeding up development and delivery of digital services. Then COVID-19 disrupted traditional ways of doing business, and the talking turned action. But much of digital transformation involves notoriously time-consuming data processes, and now there’s more pressure than ever to speed them up. Pain points around agility and time to ...
FinOps Foundation aims to tame runaway cloud spend
Cloud has given software engineers practically limitless access to resources — great for rapid, iterative development and innovation; perhaps not so great for controlling costs. Now, companies that have embraced cloud are learning that with the power it gives engineers comes great responsibility. Can the engineers handle it? Invariably, companies who adopt cloud eventually enter ...
Come for VMs, stay for containers: Is this the best backup as-a-service deal for hybrid?
Many companies adopting containers (a virtualized method for running distributed applications) don’t want to think about container-specific data protection. Can one blame them? Switching from older infrastructure to containers and Kubernetes is enough work by itself. But data protection and backup are no laughing matters. So what new stuff do they need to buy? Will ...
Real cloud native users will tell it like it is at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2020
At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America, starting on November 17, attendees will dive into the minutiae of individual tools, features, tangles, etc. But the 2020 conference is shaping up to break from past events by zooming in on the experiences of developers and business users in the real world. In development shops and enterprise IT departments, ...
With Project Apex, Dell brings cloud-like as-a-service experience on-prem
COVID-19 gave companies yet another reason to move applications to cloud. Of course, plenty still have on-premises data centers and no plans of closing them anytime soon. However, with lessons in the value of speed, elasticity and OpEx pricing fresh in their minds, they’re demanding a more cloud-like experience on-prem, according to Sam Grocott (pictured), senior vice ...
EdTech startups are disrupting education for global good
Government bodies trying to alleviate global issues like illiteracy, disease and poverty commonly face daunting statistics, logistic challenges and funding shortages. For example, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization estimates that 617 million children today are not achieving minimum reading and math proficiency. How can this and other such problems be addressed? Should government ...
Digital Earth Africa joins satellite data, cloud to address big issues
Satellites certainly aren’t cheap, and just preparing satellite data for use is prohibitively time consuming. Prohibitive of what? The kind of creative applications and use cases that more easy-to-use data make possible. Some tech innovators have tried to change this with new, better means to store and process satellite imagery. One particular initiative is taking ...
Public sector orgs make unlikely strides throughout COVID-19 pandemic
While many industries have struggled, and some sank, due to COVID-19 constraints — just look at retail bankruptcies — others, like government agencies, have eeked out an advantage from them. The public sector has typically not prioritized speed, agility or the latest technology. COVID-19 gave them a reason to do so, and this is resulting ...
With OPAQ acquisition, Fortinet says it’s most complete SASE framework on the market
COVID-19’s work-from-home mandates have introduced new network edge and security problems to businesses, many of whom already had their hands full in these areas. Disparate point solutions, staff challenges and separate management consoles may have made integration difficult for many, according to John Maddison (pictured), chief marketing officer and executive vice president of products at Fortinet Inc. Fortinet recently acquired OPAQ Networks ...