Robert Lee

Latest from Robert Lee

Using Google to Beat a Ticket

Well, I just got back from the Kirkland Municipal Court after a nervous 24 hours. A few of my friends have already been aware of what’s been hanging over my head since early February. Back on Feb. 9th, I had headed across the 520 floating bridge from the Seattle side over to Bellevue on the ...

Nigerian Facebook Page: The Legacy of Mr. Sizzly Pants

Now this is just a little interesting. In the 24 hours following that stupid pants-burning "terrorist" attempt on the Northwest Airlines flight coming into Detroit from Amsterdam, over 4,000 Nigerians have joined a new Facebook page – We Condemn Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s Action: Nigerians are NOT Terrorists – to denounce, disown and worse Abdulmutallab. Boing ...

A New Opportunity for PR Flacks

I had originally started to post this as just another SNL clip about the ongoing slow-motion Tiger Woods soap opera. But then I preceded it with some observations on the whole situation. And I started thinking that there are some incredibly interesting new ideas and opportunities for PR professionals or companies. I mean, it’s becoming ...

How to Protect Your Facebook Privacy in 3 Easy Steps

Facebook’s deal with Google started Monday. Even if you had chosen only to let your friends view your pictures and information on Facebook, they just cut a deal that allows Google to find and index everything on your Facebook page unless you opt out immediately. Here are the 3 steps you need to disable Google ...

The Hidden Value of Social Networks

For those of you living under a rock, Maurice Clemmons walked into a coffee shop in Lakeland WA on Sunday morning and shot and killed 4 local police officers in cold blood. They were having their morning coffee preparing to go on shift when Clemmons walked in and shot them with no warning or provocation. ...

What’s Coming in the Next 5 Years?

The past 25 years have brought so much change in technology, it's been like packing in the last 600 years spanning the development of Gutenberg's printing press to the emergence television networks of the 80's.