Saroj Kar

Saroj is a Staff Writer at SiliconANGLE covering DevOps, Emerging Tech, Mobile and Gaming news. If you have a story idea or tip, send it to @SiliconAngle on Twitter.

Latest from Saroj Kar

Oculus Rift ensures additional $75 million to take virtual reality mainstream

Who could have imagined that a little over a year after the launch of its Kickstarter campaign, the firm Oculus will make virtual reality mainstream. Many observers believe that the Oculus Rift and virtual reality are the future of gaming and beyond. After the $16 million raised in June, the virtual reality maker has received ...

Crazy about Iron Man, then get a 3D printed iron man suit

The US military is not alone building full-body ballistic protection like Iron Man suite for soldiers that theoretically allow the wearer to literally walk through a stream of bullets. The Shenzhen, China based Iron Man Factory claims they can build one for you for a whopping $35,000, although apparently not with Marvel’s blessing. According to the ...

Developers get access to free virtual machines with IE 11 on modern.IE

Like all those involved in web development know, making a website compatible with all browsers from older versions of IE to modern browsers, is tremendously difficult task. Even more difficult can be to test the development work on all versions of Internet Explorer installed on a physical PC. There are many solutions to this problem. ...

YouTube multi-channel networks copyright shakeups aren’t going anywhere

The hunt for copyrighted content illegally shared on the Internet is sacrosanct, but its side effects are often unpredictable and absurd. Especially when it has to deal with websites with a huge amount of traffic as YouTube automatic methods are used for hunting videos, which often results in injustice and paradoxical results. What is happening ...

AT&T introduces developer toolkits for fraud prevention and connected devices

AT&T has launched a major initiative to bring connected devices with plans to expand the universe of mobile applications beyond existing smartphones. The company has announced new software developer toolkits to help developers to connect, store, share data and fraud prevention of connected devices in the cloud. The first of the toolkit is the new ...

The fight against spam and users outcry in the YouTube new Google+ commenting system

In recent weeks, YouTube has introduced a new commenting system, based on the platform of Google+. Google decided to give the comments section of the popular video streaming site a makeover, but it wasn’t prepared for the massive backlash from thousands angry users. Google chose to integrate YouTube comments with Google+, forcing users to login ...

Year in Retro Round-Up: Real-time traffic, log analysis and DevOps in 2013

Mobile computing and cloud technologies are two strong trends with the potential to help companies to become more competitive. The aim is to enable continuous delivery software solutions allowing companies to take advantage of market opportunities and better meet customer demands. Improving development processes for cloud applications is critical for success and for that reasons ...

Remembering the work of the pioneer computer scientist Grace Hopper

Last Monday, Google took the opportunity to celebrate the 107th birthday of Grace Hopper, the pioneer computer scientist who gave us COBOL and the term “debugging.” She is much more than just a superb mathematical talent; it was Grace Hopper who helped teach the machines a language, stopped them from speaking in undecipherable numbers, enabled ...

FrostWire aims to incorporate Bitcoin into a BitTorrent client

The developers of FrostWire BitTorrent clients are currently working on an integration of crypto currency Bitcoin into their software. In the future, users will get the opportunity to leave an anonymous donation by uploader of a file. The trend of Bitcoin payments with the peer-to-peer network has been around for some time. Several other BitTorrent ...

Valve Steam Machines will start shipping from Friday, but only to 300 lucky beta testers

Valve has taken another step in its quest to conquer the living room gamers. The company has announced that the prototypes of the Valve Steam Machine including SteamOS and the associated Steam controller will be shipped on 13 December to 300 beta testers. The supporter of Linux operating system first showcased the machine last month. ...