Teryn O'Brien

Teryn O’Brien is a staff writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio. After working in publishing at Penguin Random House, Teryn launched her own freelance business to help organizations and individuals tell their stories through photography, writing, video, and online marketing strategy. She enjoys mentoring writers and storytellers and spends her free time hiking, writing books, and drinking too much tea.

Latest from Teryn O'Brien

Cloud computing: The enterprise continues the complex journey into multicloud

As customers continue to embrace cloud computing and especially multicloud, Cisco Systems Inc. has a chance to coach many customers through this journey for the first time. So what are customer’s concerns as they start operating and dealing with multicloud? Konstantinos Roungeris (pictured, left), product marketing manager for cloud computing at Cisco, and Matt Ferguson ...

Cisco, Pure Storage partnership strong with converged infrastructure

When Cisco System Inc., entered the fragmented storage ecosystem, it made partnerships across the board. But Cisco’s partnership with Pure Storage Inc., has been a particularly strong one, highlighted by Pure Storage’s converged infrastructure stack product FlashStack. So what’s new for the partnership? Patrick Smith (pictured, left), field chief technology officer for EMEA at Pure Storage, and ...

Cisco protects 70,000 enterprise IoT customers as edge computing expands globally

Edge computing and the “internet of things” are some of the hottest conversations happening within the technology industry right now, but it’s easier said than done when actually implementing IoT into businesses. Cisco Systems Inc. has been on the forefront of implementing the IoT edge into their world and helping customers navigate this difficult terrain with ...

Cisco study shows over 2X return on data privacy investments

Everyone knows that data is the new currency for enterprises in the digital age. But how important is privacy around that data to the average customer? To answer this question, Cisco Systems Inc. set out to study the return on investment for data privacy. The company just released a new report, called the “2020 Data Privacy ...

Cisco DevNet certification program expands in 2020 with fundamentals training and study group platform

While Cisco DevNet announced new certification programs for network engineers and software developers at last year’s Cisco Live event in San Diego, at today’s Cisco Live EU event, the company announced that the entire DevNet certification program will be updated in February 2020, including adding a DevNet Associate Fundamentals Training to help interested individuals train for the initial Cisco ...

SD-WAN is the on-ramp to a multicloud highway

As the reality of a multicloud world grows, every enterprise is going have to deal with a complex computing network designed to utilize new services, place data in more ideal places, and assure security against a broadening attack plane. Software-defined wide area networking is an established technology that’s been talked about for quite some time as one ...

Disaster recovery essential for data protection, and cloud makes it scalable

Any aspiring digital business today must invest in data protection, because if data is going to be a differentiating asset within a business, then the steps to protect it and make sure that it’s where it needs to be, when it needs to be there and in the form it’s required are vitally important. But good data ...

Microsoft in ‘huge transformation’ as it partners with AT&T for 5G future innovation

Windows is still a huge part of Microsoft Corp.’s business, but it’s not the future of Microsoft. The future is all about 5G, artificial intelligence, cloud, and further partnerships with companies for the ever-expanding scope of technology and the world. “The world now is very different,” said Rokeya Jones (pictured), senior principal of the 5G Azure Connectivity PM ...

Micron CEO: Vertical integration and bespoke processors power a new data-driven world

The tech industry has marched into the future of with the theory of Moore’s Law for decades, but that innovation engine no longer fits the landscape of today with data-driven infrastructure. The innovation engine is now data: AI and machine learning and scaling with the cloud and the edge. So what does this new landscape mean for ...

Sports teams seek competitive advantage through digital transformation

The sports industry is the poster child of what it takes to encapsulate digital-transformation success. After all, these organizations have a business to run, a team to manage, and fans to protect, which results in the consumerization of information technology, security issues for customers, and analytics for a competitive edge. Data center backup and recovery solutions ...