Teryn O'Brien
Latest from Teryn O'Brien
The quest for data security: choosing the right tech
As technology companies work with enterprises on their digital transformations, data and its security is top of mind. Because there are so many factors to consider, from data access permissions to methods of intelligently detecting breaches, transformative efforts based on digital assets can quickly get complicated. So what are technology companies doing to help educate their customers ...
Veritas implements ‘design thinking’ to improve customer and user experience
The idea of customer experience and user experience originated in the technology world, eventually making their ways into other industries. But some technology companies are taking these ideas even further, advocating for company-wide change and spurring others to always be thinking about the end goal: a customer’s complete satisfaction from purchase of product or service ...
On-prem data centers are here to stay, while HCI continues to grow
Gone are the days when it was thought that customers would flock to the cloud and throw away on-premises data centers forever. But even as hyperconverged infrastructure continues to move enterprises forward with cloud, companies are still keeping their on-prem stack alive and well. And technology companies like VMware Inc. are continuing to face these demands. ...
Time is everything in race for market share in digital transformation
In the digital transformation, big data is at the center for enterprises, but it’s not just about the size of data and databases that will ensure success. It’s about the time that it takes for the data to be transferred from the database to the applications that need it. Time is everything — and technology ...
Building a reliable networking infrastructure in a multicloud world
The idea of running a multicloud environment is pretty daunting for a lot of enterprises. Businesses may wonder how they go about choosing where to put things and how they should actually move things around. The network plays a key part in all of this — a complex part that is hard to navigate but ...
What the Sonoma County wildfires taught one data center operations team
Natural disasters can be a nightmare for data storage and disaster recovery, making sure digital reservoirs remains safe and unaffected no matter what is going on outside. One data center operations leader recently experienced the importance of effectively thinking through these concepts during the deadly wildfires that raged through Sonoma County and other parts of California in October ...
Shopping clouds is complex, and people are doing it wrong, says one CTO
While many think that choosing a cloud computing option should be simple, it’s actually very complex. In fact, most companies are already using multiple clouds, and they may be wasting up to 35 percent of their cloud usage, according to a RightScaleInc.’s “State of the Cloud Survey,” losing money in the process. Choosing the right ...
Crafting composable infrastructure with software-defined team ups
As companies embrace the digital transformation, they’ve got to balance two things: the needs of the business to innovate and keep up with the rapid technological advancement, as well as the cost efficiency and security of information technology to respond to the increasing needs of the business. And the only way to achieve this, according ...
The ‘power of invisibility’ with data storage infrastructure
When it comes to options for more efficient data storage for the digital transformation, it’s essential for the infrastructure for that data storage to be efficient, fast and intelligent. And Dell EMC hopes to lead the charge with key products that boast a seemingly simple infrastructure, providing a way for customers to build and play ...
Dream big, start small with machine learning implementation, advises Box exec
As machine learning becomes more prevalent in modern business, many are wondering where to start in their implementation of the progressive and promising technology. And while some business leaders may possess lofty ideas and dreams for machine learning’s ability to embed intelligence into computers, it’s easier to start smaller and have realistic expectations to begin a true ...