Teryn O'Brien

Teryn O’Brien is a staff writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s mobile livestreaming studio. After working in publishing at Penguin Random House, Teryn launched her own freelance business to help organizations and individuals tell their stories through photography, writing, video, and online marketing strategy. She enjoys mentoring writers and storytellers and spends her free time hiking, writing books, and drinking too much tea.

Latest from Teryn O'Brien

Facing mortality: The catalyst for true change | #GITCatalyst

What if facing your own death was the true catalyst to change one’s life? Jim McCarthy, motivational speaker on happiness and founder of Jim McCarthy Leadership, spoke with Jeff Frick (@JeffFrick), cohost of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, during the Girls in Tech Catalyst Conference 2016 in Phoenix, Arizona, about living a meaningful life. ...

Women in tech: Dreaming big and taking risks | #GITCatalyst

Women are less than 10% of tech founders or venture backed founders, according to Fran Maier, cofounder of Match.com and founder of TRUSTe. So how can we help? Maier shared her lessons learned about being a woman in tech with Jeff Frick (@JeffFrick), cohost of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, during the Girls in ...

A LEAP into the digital transformation | #emcworld

The digital transformation is underway, and companies are looking for ways to make the transition as easy as possible. Mario Duckett, VP of enterprise content solutions at MetaSource, LLC, sat down to talk with John Furrier (@furrier) and Dave Vellante (@dvellante), cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, during EMC World 2016. Duckett talked about the ...

The marketer’s toolkit: Marketing is now more than branding and logo | #MME16

With the vast amount of technology within a marketer’s grasp, how does a marketer best implement technology into their work? Ryan Buma, group VP of AppCloud at Oracle Marketing Cloud, and Ron Corbisier, CEO of Relationship One, talked about implementing marketing technology with John Furrier (@furrier), cohost of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, during the Oracle Modern Marketing ...

Marketing data is the new currency | #MME16

One of the biggest mysteries for marketers is what’s truly going on with lead generation. Marketing may spend a lot of money, but it’s not guaranteed to get sales results. Mintigo, Inc., has partnered with Oracle to help bridge that gap to get more efficient marketing and lead generation. John Bara, president and CMO of ...

Traditional media planning is dead | #MME16

The marketing agency world is under turmoil because they’ve always been the steward for brands to bring high-value messaging to customers. With Cloud technology and increased online channels changing everything, it’s a challenging time to navigate. Vik Kathuria, global head of Strategic Agency Partnerships at Oracle Marketing Cloud, spoke with John Furrier (@furrier) and Peter Burris (@plburris), cohosts of theCUBE, ...

Get the inside scoop on Apache Spark 2.0: Will it break code? | #SparkSummit

Apache Spark is going from 1.0 to 2.0, and who better to talk about it than Matei Zaharia, creator of Spark? He did so at Spark Summit East 2016 during a keynote session, along with presentations from Ali Ghodsi, CEO of Databricks, Inc.; Shaun Connolly, VP of corporate strategy at Hortonworks, Inc.; and Anjul Bhambhri, VP of ...

How Spark use-cases are transforming data | #SparkSummit

How is Apache Spark, an engine for Big Data processing, being used in the lives of real-life customers? Day Two of Spark Summit East 2016 kicked off with a keynote session explaining Spark Streaming by Databricks, Inc. (which enables interactive and analytical applications across both streaming and historical data), along with fascinating use-cases of Spark ...

How are Hewlett Packard’s customers playing with Spark? | #SparkSummit

How are businesses using Apache Spark to play with data? Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP (HPE) has some insight into what customers need and want when it comes to using Spark. Chris Selland, VP of business development, Big Data, at HPE, spoke with Jeff Frick and George Gilbert, cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media ...

Is simplifying Big Data possible? Databricks says yes | #SparkSummit

When the Hadoop project (an open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing) began, it became clear that things were far too complicated. So Databricks, Inc. set out to simplify the Big Data process with the Apache Spark project. Dave Vellante and George Gilbert, cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, set down at Spark ...