Timothy Walden

A new and compelling author, Tim Walden is a SiliconANGLE writer covering live news events with theCUBE. He got his start with personal blogging before moving to copy editing and brand management in corporate consulting. Two years later he decided to move back into the writing scene and did some moonlighting with local Atlanta podcasts. What are his topics of interest you ask? Love and technology and the various intersections that come along with them. Tim Walden is constantly looking for inspiration in quirky places and is currently working on publishing his first book of poetry in the next year. Got news? Tweet us @siliconangle

Latest from Timothy Walden

Can VMware remain a leader in cloud services? | #VMworld

Navigating how to use cloud technology can get a little confusing. Choosing between public and private, and migrating old data to new platforms and managing data streams can become tedious for the most sophisticated enterprise. VMware, Inc. says it’s here to help companies make the tough decisions while optimizing performance on the cloud. Bask Iyer, CIO ...

Blurred lines: Nutanix details plans for PernixData cloud acquisition | #VMworld

Cloud use is sweeping the world with its practicality and ease of use, but companies all have one major question: public or private? Two companies have come together to help enterprises answer that question and many more as they navigate the growing number of datastreams. Sunil Potti, chief product and development officer at Nutanix, Inc., ...

How Rackspace uses OpenStack to stimulate innovation | #OpenStackSV

Although OpenStack can help enterprises in a multitude of ways, there are some companies who are still wary of the migration. Is it functional? What sort of cloud do we use? These are the questions to which businesses need answers. Luckily, Rackspace, Inc., a company that’s worked with OpenStack since its genesis, is here to ...

Digital strategist weighs in on how OpenStack stacks up | #OpenStackSV

Digital transformation is no longer a dream; it’s happening right now. Businesses and whole business models are being rebuilt and geared toward a digital audience. In the mess that migrating entire enterprises can create, Joe Weinman seeks to help businesses navigate through it all. Weinman, a digital strategist and author of Cloudonomics: The Business Value ...

How Walmart Labs utilizes OpenStack to stay agile | #OpenStackSV

As more companies move to digital integration, enterprises have to manage data and data-related issues quickly. Brick-and-mortar businesses must transition to the digital space and find their competitive edge. Walmart Labs has done just that by fully utilizing and working with OpenStack. Sean Roberts, director of Technical Program Management at Walmart Labs, talked with John Furrier ...

AWS leading the digital transformation: Analyst Insights | #AWSSummit

Amazon has been around for more than 20 years but has recently exploded in the digital market. With the launch of Amazon Web Services (AWS) a little over 10 years ago, its reach has extended far into the realm of data storage and more. The AWS Summit in Santa Clara, CA, is a testament to not only the ...

How one company ensures easy access to data | #AWSSummit

As the data streams in, it has to be stored somewhere. Enterprises are looking for the latest and greatest solutions to data storage, and one company says it has the answer. No need to buy endless amounts of storage when Zadara allows enterprises to purchase exactly what they need, said Nelson Nahum, cofounder and CEO of Zadara Storage. ...

How one global retail company leverages talent science data | #Inforum16

So many organizations are going digital that it’s hard to believe some brick-and-mortar businesses are still around. What could physical retail stores do with all the data their organizations have amassed? It seems that not only is Foot Locker, Inc. managing its data, it is also putting it to good use. Robert Perkins, VP of Talent Management ...

How Infor’s Dynamic Science Labs help businesses sort out their data | #Inforum16

With so much data floating around, it can be hard to determine what specific data will be useful with today’s problems. Infor, Inc. helps businesses sift through vast stores of data to determine what they need. Leigh Martin, senior director of Science Management at Infor’s Dynamic Science Labs, talked with Dave Vellante (@dvellante) and George Gilbert ...

How one company is keeping data secure in the enterprise | #HS16SJ

Technology is evolving and data is everywhere. The real issue is how to keep everything secure. With open-source platforms becoming more popular, how does an enterprise protects its digital assets? Blue Talon provides enterprises with the assurance they want by creating the security they need. Carey James, business development manager of  Big Data solutions at EMC, ...