Victor Dabrinze

Victor is a seasoned writer covering live events with theCUBE, a SiliconAngle Media initiative. As a digital content aficionado and a tech nerd, he has cut his teeth across both sides of the pond. He sees the world as an incredibly diverse, infinite expanse and takes every available chance to learn something new. In his spare time, Victor enjoys outdoor activities such as go-karting, paintballing, and soccer.

Latest from Victor Dabrinze

Dell dissects cloud computing movements and incoming trends set to take hold

In today’s business landscape, the cloud has shifted from being just another business process to one of the critical operations maintained by organizations. IT departments are creating increasingly intricate environments where edge, on-premises and cloud workloads are seamlessly interwoven into each other. Thus, organizations must cope with the delicate balance of maintaining multiple public cloud ...

Weaveworks empowers developers to build software faster with GitOps model

The pace at which technology moves can often be blindingly fast. A lifetime ago in tech years, version control wasn’t a particularly pressing consideration for organizations and their information technology departments. Today, in addition to it being a core concentration area, with tools such as GitHub, advancements are already being made to facilitate continuous deployment ...

From open-source to proprietary code, Snyk helps secure development environments

When most people think of software development, they visualize an engineer or coder creating every element, functionality and behavior in the software by themselves. Nowadays, with the advent of open-source libraries and code, this preconception couldn’t be further from the truth. An overwhelming majority of the available proprietary applications today are largely comprised of open-source ...

How Snyk’s approach to application security remedies shift-left shortcomings

Software developers rarely have it easy. From writing, editing and pushing code to fixing the bugs and security issues that show up through production, the expectations most organizations have of their development teams are immense. The “shift-left” approach was conceived to root out security problems at the earliest stage of development, but in some ways, ...

Unrestricted ease of access a key cause of malware popularity, says security expert

Cybersecurity was a major talking point at this year’s AWS re:Invent conference — and for good reason given the relentless rise of ransomware attacks. “The access to be able to launch attacks has become so simplified that the attacker level doesn’t have to be sophisticated,” said Dave Trader (pictured), field chief information security officer for Presidio Inc. “Really, ...

AWS making significant progress on its promise to upskill new professionals

Amazon Web Services Inc. is one the most widely used cloud service providers today. Therefore, it’s no surprise that training and certification to become a skilled AWS developer is in high demand. The company has committed to training 29 million people for free by 2025 and, given the milestones already achieved, that end goal seems ...

Accenture empowers budding cloud professionals across the US

In the backdrop of Amazon Web Services Inc.’s commitment to train 29 million cloud professionals by 2025, Accenture PLC has taken on a similar initiative. The company is making considerable strides in bringing a new crop of skilled cloud professionals into the fold. “There’s definitely a war for talent out there,” said Gina Fratarcangeli (pictured, right), ...

Machine learning algorithms help orgs maintain error-free data

Companies are stockpiling swathes of data, the likes of which haven’t been seen before. Code is required to visualize and analyze the data for insights, or alternately, feed them into applications and other related use cases. Since no single person or dev team is above mistakes, FirstEigen LLC hopes to help organizations keep this very essential ...

How DoiT’s intelligent technology portfolio is helping the enterprise simplify, automate cloud use

A lot of companies are hopping on the exciting cloud bandwagon, but not all of them are taking full operational advantage of public cloud technologies, according to one cloud engineering support company. “Companies are embracing the public cloud at an incredible rate,” said John Purcell (pictured), chief product officer at DoiT International USA Inc. “They’ve bought into ...

Cloud redefined as ‘innovation engine’ for the enterprise

In the past, organizations perceived the cloud as a monolithic environment where a specific set of use cases could be carried out. Today, the enterprise is entering a phase with cloud continuums, on which several purpose-built solutions can drive growth in the private and public sectors. “From now on, whenever people talk about cloud, it’s actually ...