As customer infrastructure needs vary, they require computing tools that can support these needs in a simple and efficient manner. HPE’s composable infrastructure systems are designed to meet these ever-changing infrastructure requirements all in one flexible package.
Paul Miller, VP of Marketing, Converged Data Center Infrastructure, at Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co., and Manoj Nair, VP of Product Management at CDI, sat down with Dave Vellante (@dvellante) and John Furrier (@furrier), cohosts of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team, during HPE Discover 2016 in Las Vegas to discuss the details of composed infrastructure.
HPE composed infrastructure systems are designed with the the idea of meeting the ever changing needs of the customer. The customer no longer has to have different equipment to handle different development needs: everything is included in one configurable package.
“It’s all about composing the apps and whatever the needs are of the developer,” said Miller.
First and foremost, it must be completely configurable. Customers ordering a composed infrastructure system can choose from various levels of computing power, storage and network hardware. This is all combined with software capable of sensing the needs of the customer and configuring the system in the necessary way.
“The first truly composable has to have fluid pools of resources, has to be software defined and to have a unified API,” explained Miller.
Watch the full video interview below, and be sure to check out more of SiliconANGLE and theCUBE’s coverage of HPE Discover 2016.