When your job involves defending the nation, you want your computer networks to be just as secure. However, following a data breach of US military personnel info, it seems some hackers have made it through their security, and have leaked the information on the dark web.
A leaked database, containing information on almost 2,500 US Army officials, has begun circulating the web with a message from the hackers. The hackers responsible are the hacktivists known as Ghost Squad, and according to BatBlue, they stole and leaked the information as part of the Operation Silence campaign.
With the data, the hackers included a message: “Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! The contradiction is the truth! These are the truths of this world! Surrender to those truths, you pigs who fawn over clothing!” This may seem like an ominous, angry warning, but it is in fact taken nearly verbatim from the anime series “Kill La Kill.”
However, aside from the meaningless anime reference, it also included a message stating: “We are releasing Military officials of your government from credit card information, to names and phone numbers [and] emails. A total of over 5,000 United States military personnel will fall victim to this attack, we are not afraid of your empire, your new home will fall. Expect chaos.”
As the message claimed, the leaked database does include full names, phone numbers, email and home addresses, birth dates, and credit card information. Hackread notes that the information was first uploaded to an onion site in the dark net, and later posted throughout social networks and Pastebin.
There has not yet been a response from the US government, but given the information that was stolen, the officials affected should cancel their credit cards and enroll in identity protection services as soon as possible.