With all of the talk in the enterprise about applications, what do they really mean to the average employee? In many instances, applications drive personalization on ...
Google LLC’s Cloud Services Platform always seemed a prosaic name, especially alongside a product pantheon that includes the container-orchestration system Kubernetes (meaning in Greek: helmsman) ...
Customers have finally succeeded in dragging cloud providers kicking and screaming into their hybrid computing reality. Most aren’t ditching their on-premises data centers just yet, ...
Google LLC made an impressive showing at its annual Cloud Next conference this week in San Francisco. In the arena for hybrid and multicloud computing, ...
Google Cloud Chief Executive Officer Thomas Kurian’s twin brother, George, shares a lot more than the same personal features. Both are now CEOs of major ...
As more and more companies disperse their software applications across different computing environments, they’re seeking the right tools to make it all gel. Application program interfaces ...
Google Cloud Platform serves up some of the most advanced, bleeding-edge technology of any hyperscale technology provider. So why does it have just 9% of the ...
Google LLC today introduced two new networking tools for its cloud platform that aim to simplify the management of infrastructure-as-a-service environments, as well as make it easier ...
Google LLC wants developers to build more of their applications in Kubernetes-based containers hosted on its cloud. To encourage that, today it’s introducing a new ...