Nokia launched two new smartphones yesterday, the Lumia 920 PureView and the Lumia 820. The star of the show was, of course, the 920 PureView. What sets this smartphone from the rest of the Lumia phones is the PureView camera. Though it doesn’t have a 41MP camera sensor, it still boasts great quality photos regardless of the lighting conditions and sharp, clear photos because of the Optical Image Stabilization technology used in the camera.
During Nokia’s presentation, they showed a video showing the difference between shooting with OIS on and OIS off. Of course, the videos and photos shot with OIS on looks great: they’re sharp, crisp and clear. So it proves that the new camera in the Lumia 920 PureView is great, right? Well, not quite. Turns out, the videos were all fakes. They were not taken using the Lumia 920 PureView, Nokia used a professional video camera to shoot the great quality videos and photos.
So how did Nokia get caught? Some eagle-eyed tech bloggers scrutinized the video Nokia showed during the event and saw the reflection of a cameraman in a window of a white van from a parked car. Just like when CSI catches the bad guy by scrutinizing the reflection on the victim’s pupils.
Anyway, Nokia ‘fessed up to what they did and issued an apology, stating that they should have put a disclaimer on the video.
“In an effort to demonstrate the benefits of optical image stabilization (which eliminates blurry images and improves pictures shot in low light conditions), we produced a video that simulates what we will be able to deliver with OIS.
“Of course, hindsight is 20/20, but we should have posted a disclaimer stating this was a representation of OIS only. This was not shot with a Lumia 920. At least, not yet. We apologize for the confusion we created,” Nokia said in their blog post.
And to make up for the mishap, they showed a video comparing that compares the difference between one with OIS on and one without. The one on the right is the video taken with a Lumia 920 prototype with OIS while the one on the left is taken with a smartphone without OIS.